کد خبر:6920

Bahaullah: Science will cause affliction and deprivation of comfort and tranquility

The Baha’i proselytizer considers the divine science and the claim for being dominant on the books as one of the reasons for the legitimacy of his leader; while the self-proclaimed prophet considers science as the cause for affliction and deprivation of tranquility and comfort.   Question: What is/are your reason/reasons for your self-proclaimed prophet to […]

The Baha’i proselytizer considers the divine science and the claim for being dominant on the books as one of the reasons for the legitimacy of his leader; while the self-proclaimed prophet considers science as the cause for affliction and deprivation of tranquility and comfort.


Question: What is/are your reason/reasons for your self-proclaimed prophet to possess divine science.

The proselytizer’s answer: He has received his science from the Almighty God and has dominated on all sciences:

إنّا ما قَرَأنا کُتُبَ القَومِ وَ ما اطَّلَعنَا بِما عِندَهُم مِنَ العُلُومِ کُلَّما أرَدنَا أن نَذکُرَ بَیاناتِ العُلَماءِ وَ الحُکَماءِ…

“We don’t read this tribe’s books and we don’t be aware of their sciences; but we will be aware of sages and scientists’ view whenever we like. Whatever exists in the world and has written in the books and tablets has been put in front of your lord. We will see it and write after it.[1]

The answer to the claim: Why did the Excellency Baha wrote concerning various sciences after considering them as affliction and being imprisonment:

“أنَّ البیانَ أبعَدَنی و علمَ المَعانی أنزلَنی… و الإیجاز صارَ سببَ الأطناب فی ضرّی و بلائی و الصَّرف صَرفَنی عن الرّاحة و النّحو مَحا عن القَلبِ سُروری و بَهجتی”[۲]


[۱] Asadullah Mazandarani, the private Asrarul Athar, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 124 Badi’a, Vol. 1, p. 191.

[۲] Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the Blessed Tablets, Egypt: Sa’adat publishing house, 1338 A.H., p. 5.

Bahaism in Iran
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