کد خبر:6924

Bahaullah: A person was born who begetteth not nor was begotten

There are many people having various beliefs in the world where we live. Some believe in the existence of God; but they have differences whether who God is and what He is. For instance, some people believe in the moon and the sun as gods and some believe thunder and lightning and natural calamities are […]

There are many people having various beliefs in the world where we live. Some believe in the existence of God; but they have differences whether who God is and what He is. For instance, some people believe in the moon and the sun as gods and some believe thunder and lightning and natural calamities are gods. Some believe in animals as gods…

There are some people who believe in polytheism and some who don’t believe in God and believe that the creation of the world is accidental…

One of the beliefs which believes in a human being is Baha’ism. The Baha’is believe that their prophet; that is, the Excellency Hussein Ali Baha is the manifestation of God among slaves. It means, God has worn human clothes and come among them!!! For this reason, the Excellency Baha has said the most humorous words about his birthday night: At that night, the one was born who begetteth not nor was begotten

“فیه ولد من لم یلد و لم یولد”

کلیدواژه : Bahaullahborn begettethperson
Bahaism in Iran
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