کد خبر:6980

The dual approach of the Baha’is in defending the oppressed

The Baha’ism organization consider defending homosexuality with the excuse of defending the oppressed as its duty but not only it doesn’t criticize the apartheid regime of Zionism concerning Palestine issue but also it blames the Iranian people who are defending the occupied Palestine!   One of the news proselytizing networks of the Baha’ism organization published […]

The Baha’ism organization consider defending homosexuality with the excuse of defending the oppressed as its duty but not only it doesn’t criticize the apartheid regime of Zionism concerning Palestine issue but also it blames the Iranian people who are defending the occupied Palestine!


One of the news proselytizing networks of the Baha’ism organization published messages which justify and defend the crimes of the Zionistic regime and disappoint people to support Palestine aims on the occasion of the universal day of Qods. For example: “Think of yourself instead of people of Palestine. Because the Palestinian conditions are better than you. Palestinians and the Zionists are united. Iran helps the families of Palestinian martyrs financially while it is afflicted by economic problems.[1]

The Answer:

Concerning Palestine issue, you showed you trampled your humanitarian slogans due to your common interest with the usurp kid-killer regime of Zionism[2]. Instead of condemning the tyrant and defending the oppressed, you sent a message of being impartial: “The Baha’i community isn’t a political power which can apply all usual means in this field. Entering into such practical domain will degrade Baha’i religion (:cult) from a universal belief to a political party…[۳]

Isn’t such situation and state happened for you when you defended the usurp regime of Zionism and justify its crimes?!!! What about your hate dialogue against the Islamic Republic of Iran?!

How can you issue statement to defend homosexual people: “The Baha’is are responsible to defend the oppressed and must defend those whose rights have been violated…[۴]” However, concerning the oppressed people of Palestine, not only you advocate the tyrant kid-killer usurp regime of Israel, but also you blame supporting the oppressed people of Palestine by free and noble human beings particularly the Iranian people?!!!

Eventually, it is worthy to be mentioned that the Iranian people never quit defending and supporting Palestine aims due to three following aspects:

۱) Humane aspect: Defending the oppressed people of Palestine and condemning the apartheid regime of Zionism,

۲) Religious aspect: making Muslims’ first Kiblah free,

۳) National aspect: vanishing anti-Iranian regime of Israel, a regime which is proud of the Iranian genocide every year by holding Purim celebration.


[۱] Narrated by the proselytizing channel of the Baha’ism organization.

[۲] The slogan which are being shouted in Baha’ism about unity of human beings.

[۳] Narrated by one of the telegram channels related to Baha’ism organization

[۴] Translation and summary of the message of the universal house of justice dated October 27, 2010 A.D. concerning the Baha’is approach with the homosexual people.

Bahaism in Iran
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