کد خبر:7157

The concept of freedom to Baha’ism!!!

Concerning confrontation against democratic revolution against tyrants, the forged prophet of Baha’ism has likened liberalism to the fire of an unquenchable sedition and considered it as hypocritical and brutal which causes people impolite[1]. However, he has introduced obeying his unrestrained commandments of his creed as the concept of real freedom.[2] The forged prophet of Baha’ism […]

Concerning confrontation against democratic revolution against tyrants, the forged prophet of Baha’ism has likened liberalism to the fire of an unquenchable sedition and considered it as hypocritical and brutal which causes people impolite[1]. However, he has introduced obeying his unrestrained commandments of his creed as the concept of real freedom.[2]

The forged prophet of Baha’ism has said:

“ان الحریه تنتهی عواقبها الی الفتنه التی لا تحمد نارها؛ فاعملوا ان مطالع الحریه و مظاهرها عی الحیوان و الانسان ینبغی ان یکون تحت سنن تحفظه عن جهل نفسه و ضر الماکرین؛ ان الحریه تخرج الانسان عن شئون الادب و الوقار و تجعله من الارذلین”

Nevertheless, we are confirming that the perfect anarchy is in obeying the forged commandment of Baha because a person who possesses nine mithqal of gold can have affairs with fulfill each girl or woman that he likes in perfect freedom:

“قد حکم الله لکل زان و زانیه دیه مسلمه الی بیت العدل و هی تسعه مثاقیل من الذهب”[۳]

“God has ordered for each adulterous man and woman to pay ransom to the universal house of justice which is 9 mithqal of gold.” Or he/she can have affairs with his/her same sex.

“قد حرمت علیکم ازواج آبائکم انا نستحیی ان نذکر حکم الغلمان.[۴]

“Your father’s wives are illegitimate for you to get married with and we ashame to mention the commandment for boy’s ones (homosexuality). The Baha’ism leaders have paved the way for their followers to do many seditions by not determining any punishments for several crimes[5].

Yes, aren’t these brutal freedoms?! So, in these cases, the Excellency Baha is right to say the mere freedom is obeying his orders and commandments. He has said: “God has bestowed the superficial government to the kings. Nobody is allowed to opposes the king’s orders.[6]



[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, pp. 116-117, paragraph 123

[۲] Ibid.

[۳] Ibid, p. 47.

[۴] Ibid, p. 104.

[۵] Hussein Ali Nouri, Mobin, Bija, the publishing house of the national institute of the faith press, 120 Badi’a, p. 232.

[۶] Hussein Ali Nouri, Iqtedarat and some other tablets, the electronic copy, p. 324.

کلیدواژه : Baha’ismconceptfreedom
Bahaism in Iran
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