کد خبر:7252

The Excellency Sabeti, we have learned from history, too.

The bitter experiences of the past and the nature of the deviant thought of Baha’ism must be transferred to our offspring In an interview, the media analyst of Baha’ism asked for transferring Holocaust lessons to the new generation in order for it not to be repeated. Of course, we agree that the bitter experiences of […]

The bitter experiences of the past and the nature of the deviant thought of Baha’ism must be transferred to our offspring

In an interview, the media analyst of Baha’ism asked for transferring Holocaust lessons to the new generation in order for it not to be repeated. Of course, we agree that the bitter experiences of the past and the nature of the deviant thought of Baha’ism must be transferred to our offspring in order not to be misused due to unawareness and for other bitter days no to be repeated.

In an interview, Erfan Sabeti said that we learned from Holocaust that we must love others instead of fighting himself, must replace his fighting against others’ thoughts.

Erfan Sabeti, the media proselytizer of Baha’ism organization interviewed with Mahrokh Gholam Hussein Pour and analized the lesson of Holocaust fiction for human kind as he claimed: “In order for another Auschwits[1] not to be sent ignorantly for our next generations in every part of the world, the lessons of Holocaust must be taught to the new generations.” He believes that 1960s and 1970s youth have learned from Holocaust and the bitterness of this calamity changed into a part of their minds and memoirs, but a generation which is today afflicted by a generation gap is unaware of their ancestors’ history.[2]” Sabeti concluded that we learned from Holocaust that we must replace fighting against others by loving them.


  • Erfan Sabeti must know that anti others’ thoughts of the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism ended in establishing an Auschwitz for his opponents. The self-proclaimed prophet who has ordered for severe confrontation against his opponents[3] and has assumed his satanic philosophy of his so-called prophetic mission in fighting against his opponents:

“قد جعله الله نوراً للموحدین و ناراً للمشرکین”[۴]

  • We agree that we musty transfer the bitter memoirs of the past and the nature of movements such as Baha’ism to our offspring in order for them not to be misused due to their unawareness. For instance, we must transfer the history of the wars and terrors done by Baha’ism ancestors and their followers who are now claiming for prophet of Baha’ism was of the Babi movement leaders who had no aim but the massacre of his opponents: “… Beheading all people on the earth and burning all books and papers and writings and conquering the east and west and destruction of shrines are of the commandments of the book Bayan (written by Ali Muhammad Shirazi).[5]

Baha’ism which is now pretending to be oppressed has wared against its relatives to gain power[6] and even killed them.[7]



[۱] According to the Zionists, Auschwitz is the name of the biggest and most equipped German compulsory labor camp built by Naazis.

[۲] Erfan Sabeti’s interview with Mahrokh Gholam Hussein Pour published in Bahman, 6, 1399 S.H.

[۳] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, the prayers of the Excellency Beloved, Egypt: Bina, 1339 A.H., p. 196.

[۴] Hussein Ali Nouri, the works of the Highest Pen, the electronic library of Baha’ism, Vol. 2, tablet 74, p. 89.

[۵] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Germany, national assembly of publishing the faith works, 2000 A.D., Vol. 4, p. 221.

[۶] For more studies refer to the article: The power war of the forged prophet of Baha’ism.

[۷] Refer to Ezziyeh Nouri, Tanbihunnaemin, the faithful of the Bayan, the electronic copy, p. 12.

Bahaism in Iran
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