کد خبر:7318

Erfan Sabeti: Criticizing fighting against Jewish and stressing on taking lesson from Holocaust

In an interview about fighting against Jewish, Erfan Sabeti considered criticizing and taking lesson from (the fiction of) Holocaust as necessary. However, regarding the ominous precedent and bond between two movements of Judaism and Baha’ism cult with each other, it will become clear that why the slogan of humanity in Baha’ism never include defending Muslims […]

In an interview about fighting against Jewish, Erfan Sabeti considered criticizing and taking lesson from (the fiction of) Holocaust as necessary. However, regarding the ominous precedent and bond between two movements of Judaism and Baha’ism cult with each other, it will become clear that why the slogan of humanity in Baha’ism never include defending Muslims and merely bind themselves to defend Judaism and Zionism.

Erfan Sabeti, the media proselytizer of the Baha’ism organization interview with Mahrokh Gholam Husseini and analyzed Holocaust lessons for human being. In some parts of the interview, the Baha’i Erfan Sabeti was concerned about what he called it as fighting against Judaism and claimed: “During the last decades, fighting against Judaism has been increased. The European Union human rights commission investigates the viewpoints of fighting against Judaism regularly. The last statistics of this commission indicates that fighting against Judaism has been dramatically increased among 27 countries. According to me, a part of anti-Jewish emotions and beliefs is due to forgetting occurred events in Holocaust. Rejecting and forgetting Holocaust can be catastrophic[1].”

Supporting Judaism by Erfan Sabeti is not merely his point of view and historical evidence reveal the role of Judaism in forming Babism and Baha’ism cults and the relationship between the Baha’ism leaders and Jewish and Zionistic movements.

 Erfan Sabeti

According to historical documents, shortly after the establishment of Sason company in Bombay and Boushehr and before Babism emergence in 1839 A.D. a group of Jewish residents of Iran became Muslims doubtfully and in group. With the emergence of Babism cult, a group of newly-Muslim Jewish people joined it and later on they played an influential role in expanding Baha’ism[2]. The following people are of the prominent ones of this movement: Mirza Ibrahim Jadid, Mullah Abdul Khaleq Yazdi, Natan (the leader of the Jewish of Bokhara, Afghan, Iran and Bombay)[3].

The relationship between Baha’ism and Judaism after the failure of terroristic movement of Babism and exiling its reminders in Palestine became obvious and open; to such an extent that the historical evidence reveal the relationship between Abdul Baha (the second leader of Baha’ism) and Rothschild family (the great Jewish rulers and formers of Israel). These evidence indicate that prior 1868 A.D. when the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism and his companions were transferred to Acre port, the bond between the Baha’is and the powerful centers of the west was existent[4].

During the bond, 40 years before the establishment of Israel (nearly 1909 A.D.), Abdul Baha visited and conversed with Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, one of the Zionistic activists who later on became the president of Israel in Bahji garden[5]. During these meetings, the Baha’ism leader announced his followers about news and decisions made in the Zionistic assemblies by the name of prediction[6]. The outcome of these relationships at that time were grounding and dealing of Baha’ism for occupying Palestine by the Zionists[7] and supporting the expansion and proselytizing of Baha’ism by the Zionistic movement[8].



[۱] An interview of Erfan Sabeti with Mahrokh Gholam Husseini Pour published on Bahman, 6, 1399 S.H.

[۲] Abdullah Shahbazi, disputes of the history of Baha’ism in Iran, p. 20.

[۳] Ibid, p. 21; Fadhel Mazandarani, the history of Zohourolhaghgh, Tehran: Azordegan publishing house, Bita, Vol. 8. P. 894; Mirza Jani Kashani, Noqtatul Kaff, attempted by Edward Browne, Netherland, Bril Laden publishing house, 1329 S.H., pp. 101 & 203; Seyyed Muhammad Baqer Najafi, the Baha’is, Tehran: Ma’shar publication, 1383 S.H., p. 211.

[۴] Refer to Jawad Nawaeeyan, the spider webs, Mashhad: Khorasan artistic cultural institute, 1394 S.H., p. 38.

[۵] The faith news magazine, the formal organ of the Baha’is, No. 3, p. 8.

[۶] Habib Moa’yyed, Hebib’s Memoirs, Tehran: the national institute of the faith press, 109 Badi’a, p. 20.

[۷] For more studies refer to the article: The Baha’is dealing in buying lands for the Jewish!

[۸] For more studies refer to the article: Visiting Baha’ism organization by high-ranking officials of Israel.

Bahaism in Iran
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