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Abdul Baha, an example of serving the oppressive regimes

The universal house of justice is trying to introduce Abdul Baha as a good example for the people of the world. However; a glance at this Baha’i leader’s life reveals that he can be a good example in serving the superpowers and dictatorial regimes, secrecy and demagogy! A film has been made by the leadership […]

The universal house of justice is trying to introduce Abdul Baha as a good example for the people of the world. However; a glance at this Baha’i leader’s life reveals that he can be a good example in serving the superpowers and dictatorial regimes, secrecy and demagogy!

A film has been made by the leadership foundation of the universal house of justice on the occasion of death anniversary of Abdul Baha in which Abdul Baha has been introduced as the best example for the world people as we read in the film introduction:

“The film entitled the people of the world’s model has narrated the memoirs of some people whose lives have been revolutionized in the course of participating at improving society due to interacting with Abdul Baha. It displays his individualistic position as a shelter and refuge for humanity. This film also reviews some of the universal principles in the Excellency Abdul Baha’s speech and action. The principles which guide a universal movement including people, communities and institutions serving humanity following him as an example.[1]

However, a glance at this Baha’i leader reveals that he can be a good example for the world people in several cases:

  1. Abdul Baha is the best example for his followers in changing the political Kiblah. As a leader and the religious example, Abdul Baha was continually changing. When the Ottoman emperor gained power, he was praising him[2]. At the same time, he was calling his followers to praise the Ottoman’s enemy, the Russian emperor[3]. When Britain gained power, he was admiring the British empire and serving him.[4]
  2. The Baha’is example and model was in fact an agent of superpowers and an international spy. Apparently, he was shouting the slogan of peace and avoiding policy but he was secretly playing a key role in occupying Palestine by the aggressive army of the UK[5]. Abdul Baha who was speaking about honesty and loyalty betrayed the main residents of Palestine and played a key role in occupying their lands by the Zionists[6]. The Baha’is example was speaking about love of homeland, but he auctioned off his birthplace and hometown, Iran in the United States[7].
  3. Abdul Baha tried to serve the dictatorial systems of governments and became the symbol of accepting tyranny. Imitating his father in opposing liberalism, he considered it as done by animals. He assumed obeying the rulers as necessary for this reason that it is a divine gift.


[۱] Narrated by the Baha’ism organization media

[۲] Refer to Abbas Effendi, Makatib, the electronic copy, Vol. 2, p. 312.

[۳] Refer to Soleimani, the guidance lights, Bija: Bita, Vol. 2, p. 282.

[۴] Refer to Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: Farajullah Zakiul Kurdi, 1st edition, attempted by Fani, 1921 A.D., Vol. 3, p. 347.

[۵] For more studies refer to the article: Lady Bloomfield’s narration about Abdul Baha’s role in defeating the Ottoman.

[۶] For more studies refer to the article: Abdul Baha and connecting Baha’ism to Zionism.

[۷] Refer to Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, Egypt: attempted by Farajullah Zikul Kurdi, 1920 A.D., Vol. 2, p. 38.

Bahaism in Iran
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