کد خبر:7844
false claimants2

The false view of Baha’ism at the last proof (the Excellency Mahdi May God hasten his reappearance) and the resurrection issue

According to Ghadir tradition, Imam Mahdi (P.H.) is the last divine proof. This tradition rejects the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism cult’s claim which is claiming for him to come after the faked Imam Mahdi. Also, the Baha’is are mentioning believing in resurrection as the violation of Imam Mahdi as being the last proof, while resurrection […]

According to Ghadir tradition, Imam Mahdi (P.H.) is the last divine proof. This tradition rejects the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism cult’s claim which is claiming for him to come after the faked Imam Mahdi. Also, the Baha’is are mentioning believing in resurrection as the violation of Imam Mahdi as being the last proof, while resurrection means returning the dead people not metempsychosis in one side and on the other side. The holy Imams’ (peace be upon them) resurrection will be under Imam Mahdi (P.H.) to be proof not as the one who brings a new religion and an independent proof in order for Imam of the Time (P.H.) as the last proof to be violated!

By considering Ghadir tradition as a criterion and paying attention to Islamic verses and traditions, we will figure out that there isn’t any mentioning on sending prophets after Islam and any proof after the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.), but all testify the finality of the prophethood of the Excellency Muhammad (P.H.) and the last proof of Islam that is the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.)

In the successive tradition of Ghadir, the holy prophet (P.H.) has introduced the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) as of his descendants and offspring and as the last divine proof:

” الَا اِنَّهُ البَاقِی حُجَّهً وَ لَا حُجَّهَ بَعدَه وَلا حَقَّ إلاّ مَعَهُ وَلا نُورَ إلاّ عِنْدَهُ “[۱]

“Know! He is the eternal proof and there will be no proof after him. He is merely right possessing light.”

However, introducing the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) as the last divine proof by the holy prophet (P.H.) means no Imam or prophet will come after him. This issue counteracts the basis of Baha’ism and Babism whose leaders Ali Muhammad Shirazi and Hussein Ali Nouri have introduced themselves as the prophets after Islam.

To answer, the Baha’is have aimed Shia belief of resurrection[2]and said: How do you believe that after the Excellency Mahdi, the Excellency Jesus and the holy Imams (P.H.) will return if you believe that no proof and prophet come after the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.)?! The Baha’is continue to say that they introduce the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism as the evidence of the Excellency Jesus (P.H.) resurrection:

The holy prophet (peace be upon him) stated that Jesus will come and he meant the Excellency Bahaullah.[3]

The Answer:

  • The resurrection of the Excellency Jesus and the holy Imams (peace be upon them) mean returning them to the world not metempsychosis which has been null in all divine religions.

Can the Excellency Jesus (P.H.) who has been born without having a father[4] be the prophet of Baha’ism who has been the offspring of Mirza Abbas Nouri?![5] The Excellency Jesus (P.H.) is alive and has ascended to heavens[6], but the false claimant of Baha’ism has been buried in Acre city, 1892 A.D.[7]!

  • Returning the Excellency Jesus and the holy Imams (peace be upon them) has been done as the companions of the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) not they have new religions and beliefs. For instance, the Excellency Jesus (P.H.) will come to pray after the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) as his minister[8]. Consequently, the Excellency Jesus (P.H.) isn’t an independent proof by himself. Imam Mahdi (P.H.) is the last one who will establish the divine universal government.
  • Thus; by considering Ghadir tradition as a criterion and paying attention to Islamic verses and traditions, we will figure out that there isn’t any mentioning on sending prophets after Islam and any proof after the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.), but all testify the finality of the prophethood of the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) and the last prophet of Islam that is the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.).


[۱] Muhammad Baqer Ansari, Al-Ghadir Sirmon, the Electronic Library of Feqahat, p. 51)

[۲] According to Shia belief, resurrection means returning and reviving some dead people based on the chapter Ghafir: 11.

[۳] Ahmad Hamdi Al Muhammad, reason and guidance, translated by Ishraq Khawari, Bija: The national assembly of the faith press, 126 Badi’a, p. 77.

[۴] The holy Quran, chapter Maryam, verses: 19-22.

[۵] Refer to Ahmad Yasdani, A glance at the Baha’i religion, Bija: The national assembly of the faith press, 1329 S.H., 1st edition, p. 14.

[۶] The holy Quran, chapter Al-Nisa, verses: 157 & 158.

[۷] Refer to Muhammad Ali Feyzi, the Excellency Bahaullah, Germany: The national assembly of publishing the faith works in Persian and Arabic languages, 1990 A.D., o. 277.

[۸] Ahmad Ibn Ali Tabarsi, Al-Ehtejaj, 1.48

Bahaism in Iran
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