کد خبر:8703

The Baha’i calendar, without any scientific credit!!!

By: S. Najafi One of the issues which is basic and critical problem in the cult of Baha’ism that it hasn’t been able to justify or explain about it is the identity crisis in Baha’ism history. As Baha’is have several calendars, they have turned to each opportunity to misuse and proselytize for themselves. The Baha’is […]

By: S. Najafi

One of the issues which is basic and critical problem in the cult of Baha’ism that it hasn’t been able to justify or explain about it is the identity crisis in Baha’ism history. As Baha’is have several calendars, they have turned to each opportunity to misuse and proselytize for themselves.

The Baha’is possess several calendars having several historical occasions or according to the book Bayan by Ali Muhammad Bab, he has made a calendar for himself and called it Badi’a and divided it based on his will; so that according to this division it remains 5 days extra at the end of the year. They have no commandment for these 5 days. A calendar which has various occasions and computations in which the calendar of the Christian era, Solar and lunar calendars have been used based on a desirable method for themselves.

For example, the execution anniversary of Bab is based of the Christian calendar and the anniversary of announcing Manyazharullah (the one whom God will manifest is also based on the Christian calendar. The fasting days is according to Badi’a calendar and Fetr Feast is based on the solar one.

One of the proselytizing means of Baha’ism is using all kinds of calendars completely. A superstitious calendar which was used as a pretext by Ali Muhammad Bab to make misled people foolish signed by Hussein Ali Nouri.


Badi’a calendar is a title observed in the books published by the Baha’is. Yes, the Baha’is denominate their calendar entitled Badi’a. This calendar is neither lunar nor solar. It contained 19 months and each month possesses 19 days.

This calendar was too vague that the Baha’i heads and the universal house of justice in Israel have been astonished for 171 years in setting it.

This calendar is too surprising that it has broken all criteria of solar, lunar and Christian calendars and has made a new rule which is contrary to intellectual and scientific criteria. For instance:

-The months of the year are 19.

-The days of months are 19.

-At dusk, the day ends and the new day starts.

The number of months in all divine religions is 12. The number of days in all divine religions is 30. Twelve month in a year is the nature rule. According to the holy Quran believed by the Baha’is:

” إِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ اثْنا عَشَرَ شَهْراً في‏ كِتابِ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّماواتِ وَ الْأَرْض” (التوبه/ ۳۶)

“The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year) – so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; …’ (Al-Tauba/36)

To be familiar with the Baha’i months names, the Baha’i names of months have been listen below:

  1. The month Al- Baha
  2. The month Al- Jalal
  3. The month Al- Jamal
  4. The month Al- Azamah
  5. The month Al- NOur
  6. The month Al- Rahmah
  7. The month Al-Kalemat
  8. The month Al-Kamal
  9. The month Al-Asma’
  10. The month Al- Ezzah
  11. The month Al-Mashiyah
  12. The month Al-Elm
  13. The month Al-Qodrah
  14. The month Al-Qoul
  15. The month Al-Masael
  16. The month Al-Sharaf
  17. The month Al-Soltan
  18. The month Al-Molk
  19. The month Al-Ala’

Bahaism in Iran
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