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The vital strategy of Baha’ism is influencing in kids’ domain

Hatef Doustdar is of the Baha’is who has been commissioned to fulfill the policies of development planned by the Baha’ism organization since 1375 S.H. along with other agents of the Baha’ism organization. The reason for dispatching people such as Hatef Doustdar to kids’ domain is that the Baha’ism organization has figured out that this field […]

Hatef Doustdar is of the Baha’is who has been commissioned to fulfill the policies of development planned by the Baha’ism organization since 1375 S.H. along with other agents of the Baha’ism organization. The reason for dispatching people such as Hatef Doustdar to kids’ domain is that the Baha’ism organization has figured out that this field is a more comfortable way to achieve to cultural coup.

Due to being influenced highly by the kids, the Baha’ism organization has focused its programs on influencing in this part of the community and has commissioned people such as Hatef Dostdar to conduct its policy.

According to documents, the leadership foundation of Baha’ism follows its new strategy of proselytizing, influence and making personnel formally nearly forty years ago in the form of humanitarian activities and by the name of social and economic development.

According to paragraph 14 of articles of association of the office of social and economic development of Baha’ism (osed) which speaks about the relationship between proselytizing and economic and social development[1], the elements of the Baha’is organization are making personnel extensively and conducting expansionist plans after recognizing the areas of weakness and requirements in the form of so-called humane, social and economic measures.

At the same time with implementing the policy of Baha’ism organization in the form of humanitarian measures in Iran in 1375 S.H. and 1996 A.D., the infilterators of the universal house of justice such as Habib, Mehrjoo and Behnam Mithaqi and etc. also became agents for conducting Baha’ism expansionist plans in Iran. The Baha’is Hatef Doustdar had come to Iran from Britain since 1375 S.H. and his co-workers started their serious activities in the field of music for the kids in Iran.

Hatef Doustdar, the offspring of Iraj Doustdar who immigrated to Iran from Britain since 1365 S.H. and became formally as one of the executives of Baha’ism expansionist plans of the universal house of justice of Israel in Iran is one of the greatest infiltrators of leadership organization of Baha’ism in Iran, who has been active in the field of kid and music for years.

However, what is Baha’ism’s interest in penetrating and being present in sensitive centers like kid domain?

  1. Trying to gain power and government in countries is of the ancient wishes of the Baha’i leaders promised by them.
  2. Baha’ism organization prefers being active in the field of kids and vulnerable people of all walks of life in order to raise a generation who agrees for the future and also to influence on their families.


To achieve this aim Baha’ism organization has divided the world into 17000 regions and called each as a cluster. When a Baha’i enters a cluster he/she must start holding kid classes (based on the proselytizing book of the third Rouhi) and then holding teen classes (according to proselytizing book of the 5th Rouhi) and continuing adult classes (based on the first Rouhi book) and next holding prayer sessions (based on the Baha’i fervent prayer.

Consequently, the universal house of justice has formally proceeded an impalpable war against culture, civilization and all governments.[2]


[۱] Social and economic development, a glance at messages of Ma’had A’la and the manifestos of social development office (OSED, 1983 A.D. till Redhvan 2010 A.D.)

[۲] Adopted from the message of Dec. 30, 2022, the leadership foundation of the universal house of justice.

Bahaism in Iran
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