کد خبر:9110

The Baha’ism enmity against Shia school, clergymen and the Islamic Revolution

 In his tablets and works, Hussein Ali Nouri (the founder of Baha’ism cult) has clearly and repeatedly attacked and insulted Shias. For example; in the book Ishraqat, he has called Shias as “hideous Shia” (Ishraqat, the Blessed Tablets of the Excellency Bahaullah, pp. 161-162) ”the most inferior party and nation” (Ibid, p. 279) and has […]

 In his tablets and works, Hussein Ali Nouri (the founder of Baha’ism cult) has clearly and repeatedly attacked and insulted Shias. For example; in the book Ishraqat, he has called Shias as “hideous Shia” (Ishraqat, the Blessed Tablets of the Excellency Bahaullah, pp. 161-162) ”the most inferior party and nation” (Ibid, p. 279) and has cursed the Shia scholars as pharaohs and the tyrannical” (Because they didn’t accept Bab and Baha’s claims) (Ibid, pp. 267 & 269).

He has said in the book “the heavenly food”: “Tell, O’ people, if you don’t become prosperous with the faith light, take yourselves out of the darkness of Shia party.”لعمر الله اعمال غیر اعمال رسول and also: “I swear by God that Shia party are of the polytheists.” (the heavenly food, part 4, pp. 327-328; Refer to the Blessed dictionary, p. 438 on; the heavenly food, Vol. 4, pp. 140-142; Rahiq Makhtoum, Vol. 1, row “S” & “Sh”: Sunni and Shia, p. 595).

Baha has insulted the scholars of Islam and Shia in the book “Iqan”: “Now, pay attention, they are orang-outang and unthankful. They can’t see Bab’s legitimacy. They are following the dead corpse that is embezzling Muslims’ properties and wealth [that’s Shia scholars] (Iqan, printed in Egypt, 1318 A.H., 1900 A.D., p. 196). “Tell, O’ the group of scholars, don’t you listen to my highest pen and don’t you see this shining Sun from Abha horizon? How much are you retiring for praying your idols? Leave illusions and turn to your old lord (that is he himself)” (Ibid, p. 475).

Abbas Effendi, Baha’s offspring says about the Iranian scholars: “This tribe considers themselves as the scholars of the religion of Islam and its supporters and the successors of the holy prophet (P.H.). They bite aliens and relatives like vipers, snakes, scorpios… They tear the divine sheep like wolves but they claim for being shepherd. They stop the way and rob like robbers… They are the most ignorant [more ignorant than beasts]… (Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Vol. 5, p. 193).

Shoqi Effendi (Abbas Effendi’s successor) has written a tablet called “The promised day is come) in 1320 S.H. (1941 A.D). In this book he has mentioned about a revolution in the world believing to be happened under the shadow of the Baha’i creed by which the glory of Islam and Shia scholars have been destroyed. The table which is called “the baneful outcomes of Islam Shia” has insulted clergymen, mosques,  group prayer, the assemblies mentioning Imam Hussein’s (P.H.) virtues and Shia preachers.

Bahaism in Iran
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