کد خبر:9136
Mahnaz Afshar-Germany

Mahnaz Afshar is cooperating with Tawana Baha’i institute

Tawana institute has been founded and managed by a Baha’i who is strict with war and sanction against Iran. It is going to proceed its anti-revolutionary activities and overthrowing plans in Iran extensively allowed by Mahnaz Afshar to use her Instagram page. Tawana institute is following overthrowing project of Iran using different name but having […]

Tawana institute has been founded and managed by a Baha’i who is strict with war and sanction against Iran. It is going to proceed its anti-revolutionary activities and overthrowing plans in Iran extensively allowed by Mahnaz Afshar to use her Instagram page. Tawana institute is following overthrowing project of Iran using different name but having the same approach.

After being humiliated in anti-revolutionary association in Germany (Mehr, 9, 1401 S.H.) and being expelled[1], Mahnaz Afshar pretended to love people and announced the news about bestowing her Instagram page to rioters!


However, who is the purchaser of her page?! Tawana club managed by the Baha’i Maryam Mea’mar Sadeqi is the purchaser of Mahnaz Afshar’s page. The Baha’i Me’mar Sadeqi is the political step-mother of activities like Massi Ali Nejad’s outside the Iranian country. As a matter of fact, she has provided opportunities abroad for people like Ali Nejad to cooperate with security foundations of America and England. Me’mar Sadeqi’s club is being founded by the Americans. In her speech several years ago, she asked for American military attack to Iran! She is related to Jewish lobby in America and even asked the American government to continue inhumane sanctions against Iran even during Corona Virus situations[2].

Now, Tawana institute founded and managed by a Baha’i person is strict about sanctions against Iran is going to proceed its anti-revolutionary activities and overthrowing projects against Iran extensively.

So, the Baha’ism organization media and their relatives have recommended their followers to avoid being present in riots[3] and not to be indifferent. They have spoken about sympathy with the Iranian people by the name of justice and development of Iran[4].

Mrs. Afshar displays her intellectual willing in one of her Instagram page as follows:


Tawana institute, the hidden window of the deviant cult of Baha’ism:

On the other words it can be said that the words and approaches which are difficult for the Baha’ism organization to state can be easily said by wage-earners such as Tawana club.

[۱] Aftab correspondence, the news title: Mahnaz Afshar humiliation in Germany, the news code: 798132, dated Mehr 10, 1401 S.H.

[۲] Mashreq correspondence, the news title: Massi Ali Nejad’s step-mother rented Mahnaz Afshar’s cyber page, the news code: 1426438 dated: Mehr 42, 1401 S.H.

[۳] The Australia Baha’is national spiritual assembly message, dated Sep 24, 2022 A.D.

[۴] The highest covenant answer concerning a question related to the current Iranian events, Sep 27, 2022 A.D.

Bahaism in Iran
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