کد خبر:9225

Baha’ism and paying attention to wisdom and logic

Although the Baha’ism leaders introduced the conformity between religion and science and wisdom as one of their new teachings, but they claim for quitting science and wisdom when Baha’ism is recognized! “Know that; today, what is conceived or has been by your wisdom is not and will not be the criterion for knowledge.[1] ” قُل […]

Although the Baha’ism leaders introduced the conformity between religion and science and wisdom as one of their new teachings, but they claim for quitting science and wisdom when Baha’ism is recognized! “Know that; today, what is conceived or has been by your wisdom is not and will not be the criterion for knowledge.[1]

” قُل یا مَعشَر العُلماء لاتَزنوا کتابَ الله بِما عندکم مِن القواعد و العلوم…”[۲]

Also, the Baha’ism leaders have forbidden their followers to oppose the words which are against wisdom and logic:

” لَو یحکم علی الماء حُکم الخَمر و عَلی السَماء حُکم الأرض…”[۳]

“If wine is said to be water and sky is said to be the earth and light is said to be fire, it must be accepted as right. Undoubtedly nobody is allowed to oppose…”



[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Badi’a, (answering to the judge’s questions), the letter “۲”, Rabiul Awwal, p. 286.

[۲] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 98, paragraph 99.

[۳] Hussein Ali Nouri Mazandarani, the Ishraqat, (295 pages), p. 58.

Bahaism in Iran
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