Baha’ism which considers the continuity of God’s grace as necessary for the continuous sending down of prophets and new religions has basically rejected the existence of the promised one after itself in one place and in the other place, it announces a date for the promised one after Baha’ism which is impossible to be assumed!
Baha’ism has severely rejected the finality of religions and the divine prophets, it has less emphasized on the promised one after itself.
As a matter of fact, Baha’ism that emphasized on the necessary of the continuity of the divine angels claims for finality after itself that rejects the promised one after itself in one place and in the other place, it announces a date for the promised one after Baha’ism:
“و نفسی الحَق قد إنتهَت الظُهورات إلی هذا الظهور الأعظَم و مَن یُدعی بَعدهُ انّه کذّاب مُفتَر”[۱]
“At least 500 thousand years is the prolongation of this period…[۲]”
[۱] Fadhel Mazandarani, Amr & Khalq epistle, Mashhad, the assembly of study and research, 1945 A.D., Vol. 4, pp. 258-259.
[۲] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, the el;ectronic copy, Vol.2, pp. 68-76.