کد خبر:9464

The Baha’i kind of racism

Baha’ism is a movement which has been influenced severely by the others. One of the most important example of this being influenced by Baha’ism is from Judaism and Zionism which consider themselves superior to all; that is, they consider just the Baha’is as human beings. Even, Hussein Ali Baha prevent his followers to call non-Baha’is […]

Baha’ism is a movement which has been influenced severely by the others. One of the most important example of this being influenced by Baha’ism is from Judaism and Zionism which consider themselves superior to all; that is, they consider just the Baha’is as human beings. Even, Hussein Ali Baha prevent his followers to call non-Baha’is as human beings: “Today, if one of my followers calls my oppose as human being, he/she will be deprived of the divine mercies…[۱]

Here the real meaning of narcissism and racism of the Baha’ism organization becomes clear and the concepts of most statements by the heads of the cult particularly Hussein Ali Baha is considered and known. Then, he assumes his followers as pearls and others as gravels:

“احبائی هم لئالی الامر و من دونهم حصاء الارض[۲]

It is interesting to be noted that the Baha’i heads have insulted the addressees’ common sense again in spite of racist view and are speaking the oneness of humane world and the equality of human beings against them: “God created the creatures from the soil and one element and one earth under a sky. He preserves all and is kind with all of them…[۳]” Yes; undoubtedly, God has created all human beings the same, but the problem is that the Baha’i heads speech and deeds are contradictory!!

In which statement the Baha’ism believe? The reality that God has created all the same or the Baha’is are pearls and others are gravels and mustn’t be named as human being!!!

[۱] Badi’a, p. 140.

[۲] The heavenly food, Vol. 4, p. 353.

[۳] The heavenly food, p. 42.

Bahaism in Iran
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