کد خبر:9730

Ahmad tablet, a vain and baseless claim –part 1

The divine prophets tried hard to save the people of their periods of time out of ignorance and astray and guide them towards prosperity and light. However; contrary to the divine prophets, not only the deviation leaders didn’t fight against people’s ignorance and astray, but also claimed for divinity using vain words and speech including […]

The divine prophets tried hard to save the people of their periods of time out of ignorance and astray and guide them towards prosperity and light. However; contrary to the divine prophets, not only the deviation leaders didn’t fight against people’s ignorance and astray, but also claimed for divinity using vain words and speech including Bab and Baha who promised in absurdity. One the examples of these vain promises is a tablet called the Ahmad one in pages 8 and 9 of which Mirza has ordered Ahmad Yazdi and recommended him to learn it by heart:

فاحفظ یا احمد هذا اللوح ثم أقرأها فی ایامک و لا تکن من الصابرین فان الله قد قدر لقارئها أجر مئة شهید ثم عبادة الثقلین… فوالله من کان فی شدة أو حزن و یقرأ هذا اللوح بصدق مبین یرفع الله حزنه و یکشف ضرّه و یفرّج کربه


  • The word martyr is called and used in Islam for a person who has sacrificed in the battlefield against null and has been killed in the path of Allah. Islam has cherished such a person and has considered a great reward for him or her and has given good news that he/she is alive and his/her portion fixed by providence has been provided. However, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri says in this tablet: A person who reads 2-page Ahmad tablet once God will bestow him/her the reward of one hundred martyrs. First, he must be asked: why? What is the reason?
  • When it is so, people aren’t delighted to do other benevolent deeds or to avoid bad deeds and sins.

Bahaism in Iran
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