کد خبر:9803

The false literature which was called the fluent inspiration!

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism made false words influenced by the Persian language and proved that his writings are due to an ill-educated Persian person and not due to the divine endless science. These literary mistakes made Baha to justify his errors. Abdul Baha, the Baha’ism leader has described one of the aspects of the […]

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism made false words influenced by the Persian language and proved that his writings are due to an ill-educated Persian person and not due to the divine endless science. These literary mistakes made Baha to justify his errors.

Abdul Baha, the Baha’ism leader has described one of the aspects of the miracle of the works left by his father as their fabulous eloquence: “The eloquence of the Blessed statement in Arabic language and Arabic tablet made Arab eloquent writers astonished and all confess it is unique[1].”

However; to measure this claim, when we investigate the Baha’ism self-proclaimed prophet’s works, we will encounter difficulties which show that his writings have been issued by a Persian person not by the Lord of the world. Consequently, the followings are some examples of the cases violating the eloquence by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism:

  • In Arabic language, the word “معاشره” is used without using object. So; in Arabic language, it is said: “عاشروا فلافاً” and it isn’t being said “عاشروا مع فلان”. Thus, it is correctly said in the holy Quran: “وَ عاشروهُنَّ بِالمَعرُوفّ” (Al-Nisa/190 and it wasn’t said “عاشروهُنَّ مع بِالمَعرُوفّ”.

Nevertheless; contrary to Arabic language, the word “معاشرت” is used with the preposition “با”. For instance: “با دانشمندان معاشرت کنید”. So, because the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has been Persian and has lied about the eloquence of his works as miracle hasn’t been able to escape this language habit and has written in the book the Aqdas: “عاشروا مع الادیان بالروح و الریحان”[۲]

  • In Arabic language, the object cannot be made out of intransitive verbs. For instance, the verb “نزل” is intransitive. The object منزول cannot be made out of it, but the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism whose mother tongue has been Persian and in Persian language object can be made out of both transitive and transitive verbs. It is technically called interlanguage; that is, making words such as “مطیورا و منزولا و مطلوعا” in Al-Nasr chapter by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism[3] is due to this fact that Baha has been an ill-educated Persian man and his writings aren’t from the endless divine science.[4] The following is his statement:

” یا مَعشَر العُلماء لا تزنوا کِتابَ الله بِما عِندکُم مِنَ القَواعِد و العُلُوم انه لَقسطاسِ الحَق بین الخَلق قَد یُوزنَ ما الاُمَمِ بِهذا القِسطاس الأعظَم [۵]

[۱] Abbas Effendi, Mofavezat, Netherland, Breil publishing house, 1908 A.D., p. 27.

[۲] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 137.

[۳] Muhammad Ali Feizi, the Excellency Bahaullah, Germany: The assembly of publishing the faith works, 1990 A.D., p. 161-162.

[۴] Mustafa Husseini Tabatabaee, the adventure of Bab and Baha, Tehran: Rozaneh, 1380 S.H., pp. 183-187.

[۵] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 98, paragraph 100.

Bahaism in Iran
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