کد خبر:9929

The emergence of Babism

By: Mahdi Qani During the previous history, many religious cults have been made which have played positive and negative roles. However, forming these cults, mechanism and the opportunities which caused them to be emerged make us be familiar with the depth of that historical part. One of these cults is Babism-Baha’ism movement which was started […]

By: Mahdi Qani

During the previous history, many religious cults have been made which have played positive and negative roles. However, forming these cults, mechanism and the opportunities which caused them to be emerged make us be familiar with the depth of that historical part.

One of these cults is Babism-Baha’ism movement which was started by the claiming for having relationship with Imam of the Time (P.H.) and ended with the claiming for the emergence of imam of the Time (P.H.), prophethood and even divinity. A group of our follow citizen are still followers of them. Although some historical evidence reveal that in some parts of the adventure, the foreign governments have exploited the adventure and have played roles in creating and strengthening it; but in this article, the social and intellectual opportunities of the emergence of the cult have been paid attention.

The leaders of the cult

The leader of the cult was Ali Muhammad Shirazi who became known as Seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab later on. In Arabic language Bab means the gate became he claimed for being the gate towards Imam of the Time (P.H.) at first.

The emergence of the cult has originated from the past. Seyyed borrowed the others this thought: He was Seyyed Kazem Rashti’s pupil who was teaching in theological school of Najaf city. Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee was Seyyed Kazem Rashti’s master who was the leader of Sheikhieh cult. There are followers of Sheikieh cult now.

In 1166 during Zandieh government, Sheikh Ahmad was born. He lived for 75 years out of which 32 years were in Qajar government. He became famous in Agha Muhammad Khan and Fath Ali Shah’s kingdoms. Like many Shia scholars, Sheikh Ahmad believed in Shia religion principles. He claimed for having relationship with Imam of the Time (P.H.)[1]. Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and his pupils possessed several beliefs which weren’t accordance with the logical and scientific standards but they considered them as certain and definite issues. The difference between Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and his pupil Seyyed Kazem Rashti and other Shia clergymen was their belief in Imamate. According to them, there is another pillar except for God, prophet and Imam which was called the fourth pillar.

The forth pillar:

According to them, there are constantly people who have relationships with Imam and are the interfaces between Imam and people. These people were being introduced as perfect Shia by them. According to them, they are living in each period of time, and are in touch with Imam of the Time. They are asking him people’s needs to be fulfilled. While according to Shia scholar, a person who is claiming for having relationship with Imam of the Time is a liar. In addition to call himself as the forth pillar, Sheikh Ahmad believed in facts to be said to him in dream. Sometimes, he was narrating some issues from the holy Imams and said I heard Imam Sadeq (P.H.)[2] said, for instance. He continued to explained: It has been said to me in dream. Seyyed Kazem has explained about this issue: “These sciences were received by him from the holy Imams in his dream. Undoubtedly, he first dreamed Imam Hassan (P.H.) and the Excellency Imam Hassan (P.H.) put his blessed tongue in his mouth and he became full of God’s light…[۳]

When wisdom is being cancelled

If a person reads the book “The Bayan” written by Seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab today which is called as the divine book by the Babis, will be surprised that how is possible for some people at that period of time to obey such person and to accept his claims which were out of logic and wisdom. It is said in the book Bayan that all the books which are against our legitimacy must be and destroyed:

“في حکم محو کل الکتب کلها الا ما انشئت او تنشيء في ذلک الامر…”[۴]

 Or it is said:

“في بيان حکم اخذ اموال الذين لايدينون بالبيان و حکم رده ان دخلوا في الدين الا في البلاد التي لايمکن الاخذ…. “[۵]

In this statement, it is said that the properties of those who don’t believe in the Bayan must be confiscated and then they must be given back when they believed…


Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee possessed special beliefs. In one of his books called “Jawamul Kalam” he claimed for a continent out of the earth called Hour Qoliya world dominating on our world. There are two big cities there called Jablessa and Jableqa and then he explains about these cities as if he has travelled there. For instance, he writes: There are four big rivers in Hourqolia city whose water pour into a basin. Everybody is able to secure his/her ears in order not to hear the sound outside. Then, he/she can hear the river sound.

He claimed for Imam of the Time to live in that city and to supervise people on the earth. Those who accepted these materials were ready to believe in superstitions. So, the opportunities for the emergence of a forged Imam of the Time that is Ali Muhammad Bab were provided. He claimed for being Imam of the Time in 1260 A.H., 64 years before constitutional revolution.

[۱] Morteza Chahardehi, Sheikhism and Babism, Forouqi publishing house, 1345 S.H., p. 51.

[۲] Ibid.

[۳] Ibid.

[۴] Seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab, the Bayan, pp. 198-199.

[۵] Ibid, p. 157.

Bahaism in Iran
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