The tempting recruiting of the Bahaism organization

The tempting recruiting of the Bahaism organization- Part 2

      Alongside with sophistication tricks, making doubt and financial promises for more attractiveness, the Bahaism organization uses non - homogenous recruiting. Jahangiri says in this regard: “… The sedition scope ...
Control and supervision of Bahaism organization over members’ lives

Control and supervision of Bahaism organization over members’ lives-Part 2

The Bahaism organization is one of the destructive and harmful cults. This cult is always trying to display a favorable and positive figure out of itself and to hide the ...
Abdul Baha

why does the Bahaism organization use Abdul Baha’s photo (Abbas Effendi) as the leader?

      The Bahaism political organization is a quite American one in nature. Its branches are in other countries. Even, that British branch which is being ran earlier 20th century was ...
The tempting recruiting of the Bahaism organization

The tempting recruiting of the Bahaism organization – Part 1

      Experts present various models and factors to evaluate the cults to be destructive. For example, Mrs. Margaret Singer mentions three factors for such groups concerning the evaluation of being ...
Control and supervision of Bahaism organization over members’ lives

Control and supervision of Bahaism organization over members’ lives – Part 1

 Bahaism organization is one of destructive cults. This cult is always trying to display a positive and favorable figure of itself. It tries to hide its real essence which is ...

How does the Bahaism organization, confront its opponents and critics

      Violence and confronting against the opponents can be observed in most destructive and terroristic cults. The violence can be observed both in confronting the members inside the cult who ...

How does the Bahaism organization hurt the family base?

      One of the important factors of Bahaism as destructive is hurting family. Michael Di Langon says defining cult: "Cult is a group which is advocating a person, idea or ...

The Contradictory behavior of Bahaism organization with the twelve teachings of Bahaism

      During various political sections in Iran, the Bahaism organization has done politically which is as follows:       The Bahaism organization issued a statement to congratulate bestowing Noble Peace Prize ...

The prohibition of diffusion of the Baha’i leaders’ voice and image by the Bahaism organization

      One of the proselytizing channels of Bahaism published some materials entitled "the method of the Baha'is in using holy Keepsakes and things concerning the works left by the ancestors ...

Habib Sabet Pasal’s purpose (Bahaism organization) for running television of Iran

      Since his entrance into commercial activities, Habib Sabet Pasal was strengthened by Bahaism organization and trustees company which took on a part of economic affairs of Baha'ism and was ...
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