Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

      During the first centuries of the second millennium A.D., the theological Christianity was born with interpretations of the old Testament like Kabala, Mishna and Halakha and has influenced on ...

Freemasonry, Bahaism and the hidden Jewish; the influence bases of Zionism in Iran

      The secret strategy of the Zionists in Iran is of the secrets of the contemporary history of Iran. In this regard, the confession of one the spies of the ...

Terrorism, the basis of Zionism The understanding of the reason for the massacre of Gaza people

By: Seyyed Hassan Mousavi       The historical evidence reveals that gathering existent the old Testament has been ended in 11th and 12th centuries A.D. It can be said that this ...

Zionism and Bahaism lobbying against Iran

The right site belonged to the Baha’i universal society office Geneva published the Speech by Moldova representative in the united nations concerning supporting the Iranian Baha'is by him. This formal ...
بهائیت در ایران

The corresponding services of the deviant cult of Baha’ism and the usurp regime of Zionism

    Serving Israel by the Baha’is started since the establishment of Israel and it got strong with the passage of time.     The services to Israel by the Baha'is was ...

The Zionism plan of the deviant cult of Baha’ism for the country of Azerbaijan

"Baha’i Organizations Newsletter (BWNS)" announced on July 12th  about holding a conference in Azerbaijan by the Committee of Religious Associations and the Baha'i Community of Azerbaijan. The aforementioned meeting, which ...

Fighting against Baha’ism – blinding the eyes of global Zionism in Iran

Basically, it is necessary to review and remember the history of the specific issue to analyze various political issues. The relationships between the sinister and evil triangle of the Pahlavi ...

The position of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in the foreign policy of America and the universal Zionism

Bahaism is a political organization whose organizational structure was formed earlier 20th century in the united states. The expansion of the Baha'is influence and authority during Pahlavi periods of time ...
‘i cult

The Manifestation of the connection and overlap between Zionism and Baha’ism

Muhammad Heytham Al-Tamimi a 2-year-old kid from Palestine was martyred shot by the Zionists. This Palestinian kid was from Nabi Saleh village in Ramallah. During the Zionists’ attack, he was ...

The deathful silence of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in martyrdom of 2-your-old Kid from Palestine by the Kid Killer regime of Zionism

The dead body of martyr Muhammad Heitham Al-Tamimi a two-year-old kid from Palestine was taken to Palestine clinic in Ramullah. A lot of people from Ramullah and Al-Bireh welcomed the ...
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