Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

The emergence of the deviant cult of Bahaism and supporting it by the crafty governments of England and the usurp regime of Zionism are of the instances of anti- Islamic ...

Helping the usurp and kid-Killing Zionistic regime by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

One of the most important chapters in the political report card of Baha'ism is the intimate relationships and cooperation between the heads of this cult and the Zionists.       A ...

The divine promise of Baha’ism and the Zionistic regime’s Crimes

Once again, the satanic face of the Zionistic usurp regime became obvious by committing crimes and genocide in Al-Ma'madani hospital and one of the most tragic and dreadful events happened. ...
seyyed Imami-en

The function of the deviant cult of Baha’ism after the Islamic revolution for the Zionistic regime in an interview with Dr. Ismaili

The specialty of the Baha'is for Israel was "soft struggle"/ Influence in the field of environment and climate issues was one of the most important programs of the Baha'is After ...

A summit in the heart of the usurp and tyrant Zionistic regime

The center of the deviant cult of Baha’ism stated that the representatives and counsellors of this cult have entered into Haifa city, Palestine to participate at the summit of this ...

The Baha’is of Iran are potentially the agent of the intelligent service of the Zionistic regime

 A glance at the Baha’i articles of association will reveal that the organizational and political aspects are more apparent that the theological one. For this reason, they are collecting information ...

Baha’ism and the Zionistic regime of Israel

There is no doubt that the Baha’ism organization has and will have a close relationship with the Zionistic regime. It is certain that the Baha’ism movement helped the British army ...

Shoqi Effendi, the third leader of Baha’ism was supported by the Zionistic regime. Why?

By: Mahmoud Ghochan The Baha'i groups opposing Abbas Effendi (to whom the Shoqi opponents were added to them) were present in Palestine and didn’t consider Abbas and Shoqi effendi as ...

The Baha’ism organization must answer: For what sin 2200 Palestinian kids were massacred by the Zionistic regime of Israel while you are; the claimants of general peace are silent?

What is the meaning of the martyrdom of 2200 Palestinian kids during the past 20 years and the silence of human rights assemblies and the organization which is the claimant ...
Zionistic regime

The corresponding role of the Jewish in the emergence of Baha’ism and the Baha’is role in the emergence of the Zionistic regime

Since the emergence of the appearance and emergence of the deviant movement of Babism and Baha’ism, there have been a close relationship between them. There are various materials written about ...
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