The foundation of morality in Bahaism

The foundation of morality in Bahaism

      It is stated in the book the principles of the beliefs of the Baha'is page 11: “Human being must be adorned by Spiritual morality and clean and pure deeds. ...

How does the Bahaism organization hurt the family base?

      One of the important factors of Bahaism as destructive is hurting family. Michael Di Langon says defining cult: "Cult is a group which is advocating a person, idea or ...

The development of Baha’ism and the modern Colonialism (America)

      Baha'ism has bonded with Colonialism movement in modern forms and ancient ones. History indicates that the foundation and forming this cult have been on the basis of cultural poverty ...

The historical confession by a Zionist Jewish person

The leadership foundation of Baha'ism issued a statement dated October 30, 2017 A.D. and rejected each kind of attribution of Baha'i news medium to Baha'ism. However, the reason may be ...

The universal house of justice groundless fear, “Changing population structure aiming foundation of the Baha’ism government in Iran”

In order to dominate on Iran and establish its delusional government, the Baha’ism organization needs to perform its cultural and anti-religious plan in the community aiming the change in population ...

The Baha’i sources: Stressing on fasting feast, The Universal house of justice rejecting fasting feast, why?

The leadership foundation of Baha’ism called the universal house of justice has rejected the existence of a feast called “fasting feast” while the original resources of Baha’ism have repeatedly spoken ...

The implementers of the policies of the anti-Iranian foundation based in Israel were convicted

After the arrest and trial of Mahwash Sabet and Fariba Kamal Abadi, two leaders of the Baha’i organization, the Baha’ism organization considered the ten-year re-sentence of Mahvash Sabet and Fariba ...

Woman, life, freedom from Baha’ism view

By: Muhammad Hussein Zare’a It cannot be acceptable that Bahaullah is the herald of equality between men and women rights because the writings and commandments remained prove that he has ...
Doustdar family

The Zionistic organization of Baha’ism is following to penetrate into the cultural centers of Iran

Hatef Doustdar is from an organizational and bigoted Baha’i family who has immigrated to Iran from Britain since 1368 S.H. to fulfill expansionist plan of the universal house of justice ...

The dual confrontation of Baha’ism with the activities of Morteza Ismaeel Pour has mere hypocritical natureThe dual confrontation of Baha’ism with the activities of Morteza Ismaeel Pour has mere hypocritical natureThe dual confrontation of Baha’ism with the activities of Morteza Ismaeel Pour has mere hypocritical nature

In 1396 S.H., the leadership foundation of Baha’ism issued a statement against Morteza Ismaeel pour due to not having permit and his anti-government activities, but today it has become silent ...
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