Leyla Chaman Khah

The policies of Pahlavi government concerning Baha’ism (1332-1357 S.H.)

Leyla Chaman Khah is the Iranian author and translator who was born in 1353 S.H. She is the assistant professor of political sciences department in Islamic Azad University. She has ...

Another look at the universal peace by Baha’ism

The formal site of the Baha’ism organization published an article entitled “woman and peace” and investigated the importance of women’s cooperation managing the community and declared its reason as women’s ...

A glance at Baha’ism after the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Baha’ism organization of Iran was changed after the Revolution and a 3-member board called “the board of servants” in Tehran city along with local board of servants in provinces ...

The Baha’ism organization, creating sedition since the victory of the Islamic Revolution till now

The Baha’ism organization of Iran was changed after the Revolution and a 3-member board called “the board of servants” in Tehran city along with local board of servants in provinces ...

Why are the Baha’is being expelled from Qatar?

Expelling the Baha’is from Qatar means a country like Qatar having open door policies is not able to tolerate the Baha’is betrayals and spies. A while ago, the protests of ...

Saeed Rezaee, the former member of the Baha’ism leadership in Iran and what he is saying about the successful propaganda of the Baha’is

In an interview with a subversive medium, Saeed Rezaee one of the former leaders of the Baha’ism organization considered the behavior of the Iranian government as useless. Concerning the reason ...

Mahnaz Raoufi, he former Baha’i: Woman is a tissue paper in Baha’ism

Stating that the Baha’is are misusing women to make their assemblies and meeting warm and busy, Mahnaz Raoufi said: In Baha’ism a woman is a tissue paper and this is ...

A glance at the Baha’ism organization call using the strategy of proselytizing and evangelism

In the latest message issued by the universal house of justice dated Nov 27, 2021 A.D. (15 days ago) on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of the second leader ...

Warding danger off Qatar Baha’ism in Qatar

The countries located at the western part of Asia have been paid attention due to the existence of rich oil resources and etc. One of the successful countries in the ...

Rigid Hierarchy has Taken over Baha’i Religion, Dissidents Say

... but conservative leaders maintain that orthodoxy has not been altered.   Juan Cole, a professor at the University of Michigan, is a former Ba­ha’i who thinks the faith has ...
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