
The most important Consequences of the victory of the Islamic Revolution over the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and forming a democratic system of government based the original teachings of Islam was the greatest hit on the deviant cult of ...

Part II – the ex-baha’i Frederic Glaysher’s views on Haifa’s Baha’ism

Differences and divisions Haifa Baha'ism (led by the universal house of justice) denies the existence of and branches and groups in the Baha'i community. Based on the same model, Moojan ...

Hojabr Yazdani: The main puzzle of the economic mafia of Baha’ism in the second Pahlavi period of time

Among the secret movements of the Iranian contemporary history which expanded and developed in Iran, Baha’ism became successful to gain political and economic powers and influence. In the process of ...

Children, Kids and teenagers, the community aimed by the Baha’is

There are regularly members of each age in the Baha'i community where are born in a Baha’i family or those who have been recruited by Baha ism. The community which ...
Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

      During the first centuries of the second millennium A.D., the theological Christianity was born with interpretations of the old Testament like Kabala, Mishna and Halakha and has influenced on ...
The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults

Understanding the components of mind control in the cults Part 4: The Control of awareness by the cults

      The last component of mind control is the control of members’ awareness and data. Steven Hassan says: Control of data is the last component of mind control. ...
The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults-part 3

The understanding of the components of mind control in the cults – part 3

     ...One of the other function of the cults which is considered as the third components of mind control is controlling emotions. The cults try to dominate on person's ...
The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults

The understanding of the components of mind control in the cults – part 2

      The second component of control in cults is thought control. The important note is that how can the cult make the member observe and analyze the world as the ...
مقایسه رفتار محمود عباس بهایی

Comparing Mahmoud Abbas’s behavior

      Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazan) Mirza Rezaee, is of the descendants of Hussein Ali Baha and is from Iran who is influencing in self-governing organization of Palestine!       He didn't ...

Terrorism, the basis of Zionism The understanding of the reason for the massacre of Gaza people

By: Seyyed Hassan Mousavi       The historical evidence reveals that gathering existent the old Testament has been ended in 11th and 12th centuries A.D. It can be said that this ...
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