
Reflection on an invitation (part 7)

In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism runs a campaign called “#Iran- without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism. Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, ...

Reflection on an invitation “#Iran-without-hate” Part 6

In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism runs a campaign called “#Iran-without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism. Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, 2021 ...
Palestine land

Why are the Baha’is considered as the agents of establishing the Jewish people in Palestine land?

The permanent question of Shiite and Sunni Muslim people is that: How did the Zionists who are the extremist wing of the Jewish people and were thinking of governing from ...
Ben Gurian

Why were the Baha’is proud of their relationships with Ben Gurian?

As you know, David Ben-Gurian is one of the important founders of the forged regime of Israel. He is one of the direct factors of Deir Yassin massacre, the terroristic ...

A part of the shameful history of Baha’ism: The story of Abdul Baha’s flattery for reopening a school in Kashan city!

One of the signs of the Baha’i masters’ submission to the Colonial governments, is their flattery and request for direct intervention in the countries affairs by supporting this cult. Consequently, ...

Israel and Baha’ism: The related loops

According to history, after the British dominance on a small region in occupied Palestine land and in a war against Ottoman government, the operation of transferring the Jewish people and ...

Why are the claimants of general peace silent against the bellicosity of Israel?!

During long years and since the occupation of Palestine lands by the usurp Israel till now, no declaration or statement has been seen or heard to condemn the Israeli regime ...

Baha’ism: Regulating human rights just for us not for the others

 In his trip to the west, Abdul Baha has criticized the west against violating the human rights in a sermon; while the leadership foundation of Baha'ism has continued the selective ...

Baha’ism: Regulating human rights just for us not for the others

 In his trip to the west, Abdul Baha has criticized the west against violating the human rights in a sermon; while the leadership foundation of Baha'ism has continued the selective ...
The role of the Baha’i elements in the third coup

The role of the Baha’i elements in the third coup

      The bond and cooperation between Bahaism and the Zionistic regime is of the clear realities in history. This cooperation and interaction which continued increasingly to the last moments of ...
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