Abdul Baha6

“This faith totally lacks credibility”

I could never be a Baha’i because this religion totally lacks credibility. I will address just one central teaching of the Baha’i religion, which is that of world peace. I ...

The Recantations Or Declaration Of Bab!?

A seemingly religious thought appeared in Persia around 1844 at the invitation of a man from the people of Shiraz, known as Ali Muhammad. He was a disciple of some ...

Ali Muhammad Shirazi- The Bab

He is the founder of Babism. He was Sheikh Kazem Rashti’s pupil. He claimed to be the Gate for Imam of the Time, Imamate, prophethood and divinity exploiting the thoughts ...

Baha’u’llah’s Family Chart

Below is the Detail of the Family Members of Baha’u’llah. Interesting to note that many members of Bahaullah’s family were Ex-Communicated by Abdul-Baha and Shoghi Effendi.   Mirza Husayn Ali ...

Rigid Hierarchy has Taken over Baha’i Religion, Dissidents Say

... but conservative leaders maintain that orthodoxy has not been altered.   Juan Cole, a professor at the University of Michigan, is a former Ba­ha’i who thinks the faith has ...

The Baha’i commandments-part 40

The Baha’i commandments of marriage and divorce According to the order by “Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri” in the book Aqdas, The amount of dowry for citizens is 19 methqals of ...

Proof the House of Justice is not infallible

There is only one God and he is infallible, he is perfect, he is unknowable, he is all-powerful, and he is the vassal of none. This effectively means that no ...

Baha’ism a means in hand of Israel!

To answer the Baha’i leaders’ services to Israel, this regime has recognized Baha’ism officially alongside with Palestinian genocide. However, why are there sever restrictions for the Baha’is activities or even ...

The Cult-like Obsession with “Internal Enemies”

The number one reason the Baha'i Faith functions exactly like a cult is the fact that its institutions are obsessed with rooting out "internal enemies" to expel and threaten. This ...
Palestine land

Why are the Baha’is considered as the agents of establishing the Jewish people in Palestine land?

The permanent question of Shiite and Sunni Muslim people is that: How did the Zionists who are the extremist wing of the Jewish people and were thinking of governing from ...
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