
The null slogans of Bahaism – The General Peace

      One of the principles of the Baha'is beliefs which possesses a developed appearance is the problem of general peace. Baha'ism is claiming for the establishment of general peace just ...

The member of Baha’ism, the manager of the most important general office of SAVAK

The Colonial agents and SAVAK modelers tried to transfer the non-Muslim officers into the organization and exploit them to achieve their goals. Because there haven't been any Jewish officers in ...

The role of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in unveiling

The calamity of unveiling in Iran is an anti-culture event against Islam and Muslim people of Iran which was approved and conducted in Iran on Day 17, 1314 S.H. cooperated ...

The strict position of Al-Azhar, Egypt concerning the deviant cult of Baha’ism

After some Baha is held a ceremony openly to celebrate their religious one on March 21, 2009 A.D. in a village in the South of Egypt, their houses were attacked ...
‘i cult

The Manifestation of the connection and overlap between Zionism and Baha’ism

Muhammad Heytham Al-Tamimi a 2-year-old kid from Palestine was martyred shot by the Zionists. This Palestinian kid was from Nabi Saleh village in Ramallah. During the Zionists’ attack, he was ...

Hojabr Yazdani: The main puzzle of the economic mafia of Baha’ism in the second Pahlavi period of time

Among the secret movements of the Iranian contemporary history which expanded and developed in Iran, Baha’ism became successful to gain political and economic powers and influence. In the process of ...

A dialogue with Shamsuddin Rahmani, the expert in the field of studying Judaism

Introduce yourself first? In the name if Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. My course of study is agriculture. I graduated from agriculture college 51 years ago in Karaj city. My ...

The documentation of the organizational and proselytizing conviction of the Baha’ism members

When according to the law, the organizational and proselytizing activities of Baha’ism are included to be punished how is it possible for the conviction of the members of the organization ...

An interview with “Hamid Reza Esmaeeli, the author and researcher

The Baha’ism organization, the safe organization of the Western Services Dr. Hamid Reza Esmaeeli, the author and researcher in the field of policy and religions and of the researchers of ...

The United Kingdom and the expansion of Baha’ism cult in Iran (stressing on Pahlavi era) part 3

By: Mahboubeh Ismaeeli After Shah and his relatives escaped, one of the Baha’i elements in America called Habib Sabet Pasal entertained Shah and his family providing all facilities. This measures ...
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