جمعه ۱۱ام آبان ۱۴۰۳
به پایگاه اینترنتی بهائیت در ایران خوش آمدید
این وبسایت در تلاش است تا با بیان حقایقی درباره فرقه ضاله بهائیت، ماهیت منحوس آن را بیش از پیش بر همگان آشکار نمایدWelcome to BahaismIran Website
The BahaismIran website is trying to reveal the ominous nature of the deviant cult of Baha'ism for all by expressing facts about it.
The ex-Baha’i lady: My sisters got my newly-Muslim mother as hostage
Mahshid Ziyaee, the newly-Muslim lady who has turned against the deviant cult of Baha’ism and turned to Islam has claimed for her old mother to be gotten hostage by her ...
God’s will, the justification of disability of the forged prophet of Baha’ism
Adducing the Almighty God’s force, the forged prophet of Baha’ism interprets his disability in presenting miracle as God’s will, but how can the forged prophet of Baha’ism claim for having ...
Why is the terrorist America benefactor of Baha’ism?
Supported by the Colonial powers, the Baha’i leaders have praised and conducted their policies. So, when Baha’ism is introducing its aim as the same as the American ones and considers ...
How are the Baha’i assemblies being formed in the cities?
The Baha’ism organization is an authoritarian one which is exploiting its members having religious appearance while it assumes itself as the supporter of the separation of religion and policy! One ...
The Baha’i view towards racism
Baha’ism is a movement which has been influenced severely by the others. One of the most important example of this being influenced by Baha’ism is from Judaism and Zionism which ...
Woman, life, freedom from Baha’ism view
By: Muhammad Hussein Zare’a It cannot be acceptable that Bahaullah is the herald of equality between men and women rights because the writings and commandments remained prove that he has ...
The Baha’i kind of racism
Baha’ism is a movement which has been influenced severely by the others. One of the most important example of this being influenced by Baha’ism is from Judaism and Zionism which ...
Sedition, influence and Baha’ism
Because most behavioral characteristics of Baha’ism corresponded with those of the Zionists, this cult was in complete service of this regime by forming the Zionistic regime and the central organization ...
Abdul Baha has called the Baha’is as mean
During this period of riots, the Baha’ism organization allows the Baha’is to be active and play anti-government role by the secret name of participating at reform. However, this organization and ...
The deviant creed of Baha’ism and the temperaments of human beings
According to Baha’i belief, the nature of human beings or temperament is divided into intrinsic and acquired. It is considered that the acquired temperament of people will be clean if ...