
The Baha’ism assassination in the contemporary history of Iran

The political terrorism started by Babism since mid1840 A.D. / 1260 A.H. and bonded with Babism to such an extent that the names of Babi and terrorist were synonymous late ...

The enemy’s plan to misuse the beautiful capacity of Charshanbeh Souri to strike the Iranian people

The night of the last Wednesday of the year which is called Charshanbeh Souri in the vernacular, is one of the old and authentic rituals of Iranian people which still ...

The political bond between dervishes and Baha’ism

The note which is worthy to be thought in Ahmad Shahid’s report is being the political cult of Tabandeh alongside with the deviant cult of Baha’ism. In this report, Baha’ism ...

The universal house of justice groundless fear, “Changing population structure aiming foundation of the Baha’ism government in Iran”

In order to dominate on Iran and establish its delusional government, the Baha’ism organization needs to perform its cultural and anti-religious plan in the community aiming the change in population ...

The properties and wealth usurped from Iran by Baha’ism

During Pahlavi periods of time, the Baha’ism organization ran an extensive net of economic sedition and rent by incumbency of most posts of the country. Hojabr Yazdani confiscated huge properties ...

Baha’ism and helping the quake-stricken people of Turkey!!!

In its report from Turkey, the Baha’ism organization first appointed its priority to helping the quake-stricken Baha’i people and revealed its selfish figure for all once again. Without paying attention ...

Parviz Sabeti, SAVAK executioner among the opponents of the Islamic Republic of Iran

It is surprising that the Baha’i heads think their treacherous treatments have been forgotten with the passage of time after 44 years after the Islamic Revolution. They believe people have ...

The Baha’i fixed and itinerant proselytizers

The Baha’ism organization rejects the existence of religious authority and spiritual people off all walks of life in its cult. However, investigating the Baha’ism texts reveals that this cult possesses ...

An Iranian Baha’i who had 80 government jobs!

Abdol Karim Ayadi, who was the son of one of the famous Baha'i families in Iran, was a doctor in the army, and he first visited the court of the Shah ...

Baha’ism in the course of the enemies of people

The Baha’ism organization is trying to make a gap between people and sovereignty by accusation and aversion. However, it perks to be in the direction of Iranian people. A glance ...
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