The investigation of the personal proselytizing tricks in Bahaism cult

The investigation of the personal proselytizing tricks in Bahaism cult

      Human being is a social creature needing social intercourses. According to history, social intercourse plays an important role in improving the relationships between human beings in community and this ...
The foundation of morality in Bahaism

The foundation of morality in Bahaism

      It is stated in the book the principles of the beliefs of the Baha'is page 11: “Human being must be adorned by Spiritual morality and clean and pure deeds. ...
بهائیت در ایران

The founders of Bahaism cult, the starters of unveiling in Iran

      For the first time; in Rabiul Awwal 1264 A.H./1227 S.H., 1848 A.D., a woman... called Zarrin Taj Qazvini entitled Qorratul Ein who was one of the disciples of Ali ...

Freemasonry, Bahaism and the hidden Jewish; the influence bases of Zionism in Iran

      The secret strategy of the Zionists in Iran is of the secrets of the contemporary history of Iran. In this regard, the confession of one the spies of the ...

How does the Bahaism organization hurt the family base?

      One of the important factors of Bahaism as destructive is hurting family. Michael Di Langon says defining cult: "Cult is a group which is advocating a person, idea or ...

The role of the Baha’s in occupying Palestine: An interview with Dr. Taghi Pour

      Dr. Taghi Pour is the secretary general of the population of the supporters of the freedom of the cherished Qods and is a prominent researcher in the field of ...

Fighting against wisdom and escaping from science in Bahaism

      Bahaism considers itself as a remarkably developed religion and the universal one. It is claiming for being in conformity with wisdom.       According to Abbas Effendi (Abdul Baha): “If ...

The brilliant commandments of Bahaism

      The Bahaism organization believes that the Baha’i commandments are compatible with human needs of today. According to this belief, Baha himself has insisted and believed more than the others. ...

Bahaism and America

The third Colonial Country with which Bahaism has had bond is America. Now, this bond has continued. The aggressive and arrogant nature and position of America is obvious in the ...

The reason for Zoroastrians to turn to Bahaism – The old Colonialism again

      The followers of other religions turned to Baha'ism via the emergence of Bahaism and the advertisements done by the disciples of Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah). The Zoroastrians quitted their ...
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