Navid Forsti Pour

An interview with Navid Forsti Pour, one of the converts

The stifling frameworks that govern the Bahaism, have caused the hereditary transfer of neglect and ignorance from the Baha’i families to their children. However, the God-seeking nature of man and ...

The martyrdom of Imam Askari (AS) and the start of Imam Mahdi’s (AS) global mission

The story starts from here The story of obedience This story is the story of the Ummah’s test The test of our belief, the test of steadfastness in love and ...
dennis macEoin

A brief look at the Biography of Dennis MacEoin

Dennis MacEoin, born on January 26, 1949 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, is a former Islamic studies lecturer specializing in Shi’ism, Sheikhism, the Bab, and the Baha’ism and a former Baha’i. ...
mahnaz Raoufi2

Mahnaz Ra’oufi (From Baha’ism to conversion to Islam)

It is a cult established and supported directly by the British colonialism; a cult which has been turned into an important arm of colonialism during the past two hundred years; ...
John Ricardo

John Ricardo I. “Juan” Cole; American scholar and historian separated from Baha’ism

“John Ricardo I. “Juan” Cole (born on 23rd of October 1952) is an American scholar, public intellectual, and historian of the modern Middle East and South Asia. He is Richard P. Mitchell ...

Do the Baha’is have the criteria for citizenship?

"Citizenship" is a complex and multifaceted concept that is influenced by a wide range of social, political and cultural factors. The following four criteria show the internalization of a person's ...
Nahid Vahdat Sho’ar

An interview with a truth-seeking lady from the Baha’i faith, Mrs. Nahid Vahdat Sho’ar

Mrs. Nahid Vahdat Sho’ar is a truth seeker who reached the truth through continuous research. Despite the deep differences, even the obvious contradiction, between what she had found and what ...

Why did some missionaries of Baha’ism convert to Islam?!

The separation of some proficient Baha’i scholars and missionaries from the Baha’ism and working on its criticism is proof of its invalidity and emptiness. Because many of them left membership ...

The religious fetwas of Sunni Muftis about Baha’ism-part 4

Sattar Mohyedin Al-Khatib The great Islamic writer Sattar Mohyedin Al-Khatib, on page 8 of the book Darasat Anal Babiya va Bahaiya (Studies About Babis and Bahais) has written: "Some are of the idea ...

The religious fetwas of Sunni Muftis about Baha’ism -part 3

Grand Mufti of India - Janab Abdullah Bukhari A question was posed to the grand mufti of the Jame Masjid in Delhi, Janab Abdullah Bukhari Sahab about the concept of ...
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