
Baha’ism, a new fascism A word from ex-Baha’i scholar Francesco Ficicchia from Switzerland

Born in 1946 in Switzerland, he is a German scholar. He became the member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Switzerland in 1970s. In 1974, he left ...

October 26. On this date in 2013, Ahang Rabbani died

A prolific Baha’i translator and historian who served as director of statistics at the Bahá’í World Centre from 1981 to 1988. His translation are said to whitewash, censor,and obfuscate problematic matters in ...

Replying to Wendy Scott

Here is my response: Nature of Baha'u'llah's claims: The precise nature of Bahāʾ Allāh's claims is difficult to establish. The official modern Bahāʾī doctrine rejects any notion of incarnationism and ...

Part II – the ex-baha’i Frederic Glaysher’s views on Haifa’s Baha’ism

Differences and divisions Haifa Baha'ism (led by the universal house of justice) denies the existence of and branches and groups in the Baha'i community. Based on the same model, Moojan ...

An ex-Baha’i, Frederic Glaysher’s views on Haifa’s Baha’ism- part 1

Frederick Glaysher is a writer, editor, researcher, poet and one of the Baha'i critics who was blamed by the Baha'i organization for his critical stances and was somehow rejected from ...
Francis Beckwith

Francis J. Beckwith – Baha’ism from the viewpoint of critics

Francis Beckwith , born in 1960 in New York, is an American philosopher, researcher, speaker, writer and lecturer. Currently, he is a professor of Philosophy, Political Science, Religion-Government Studies, Comparative ...
Hermann Roemer

Baha’ism from the language of German critic

Hermann Roemer, a protestant clergyman and prolocutor, was born in Stuttgart Germany on July, 1880. Roemer was studying at theology and philosophy colleges of Tubingen and Hall universities during 1898 ...
Ibrahim George Kheirollah

Autobiography of Ibrahim George Kheirollah

Ibrahim George Kheirollah (November 11, 1849 – March 6, 1926) was the first Baha’i teacher sent to the United States who made the first Americans to convert to the Baha’i Faith and ...

A glance at history of Azalis

After Bab’s death, he was succeeded by Mirza Yahya Nouri, the younger brother of Mirza Hussein Ali. There is evidence among the works of Bob that indicates the executorship of ...

The Emergence of Bahaism: From “Ali Mohammad Shirazi” to “Mirza Hossein Ali Nouri”

The Baha’i cult since its emergence has been recognized among the Muslims as an ideological deviation. The Baha’i cult is a branch of Babi cult. The founder of the Bahaism ...
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