
Bahaism is a religious cult or a political organization (party)

      In one aspect, Bahaism can be divided into two periods of time: 1) when it was a cult and 2) when it became an organization. The Baha'ism organization is ...
‘is views about Bahaism

The ex-Baha’is views about Bahaism

Mahnaz Raoufi, the ex-Baha’i, spent 25 years of her lifetime in Bahaism. Raoufi says about the proselytizing methods of Bahaism: "The Baha's use the best psychological methods to preach their ...
Bahaism running about confronting against the negative growth of members

Bahaism running about confronting against the negative growth of members

      Population rate has always been paid attention as one of the influential criteria in various policy makings and it is considered as one of the indexes of development in ...

why do we say that Bahaism is spy? part-2

  In a meeting about the plan for foreign relations, it is stated: “Reviving Iran (reviving the Baha'i organization) is our function framework... the most important part of it is proselytizing ...

Bahaism and intriguing the Kurdish tribe on the anniversary of 1401 riots

      Aasoo site (related to Taslimi Baha'i foundation) published an article entitled "the Kurdish women, a life looped with policy" on 29th of Mordad. The Baha’i medium has tried to ...

Why do we say that Bahaism is spy? – Part 1

      Generally speaking, when we use the words spy and espionage, our mental image goes back to the character of “James Bond” riding on Aston Martin having all kinds of ...

Iman Motlagh Arani, the Baha’s person who is in charge of the security of the Baha’i organization

      According to the official organization of Bahaism, Iman Motlagh Arani" is one of the prominent scientific and proselytizing people of the Bahaism cult who is in charge of security ...
Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

The emergence of the deviant cult of Bahaism and supporting it by the crafty governments of England and the usurp regime of Zionism are of the instances of anti- Islamic ...
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Bahaism, the violator of women’s rights

      The sexual gaps between men and women is a problem originated from long time ago. Nearly since the period of forming agriculture life and onset of a succession of ...
Unanswered questions of Bahaism in the domain of legitimacy crisis

Unanswered questions of Bahaism in the domain of legitimacy crisis

      The Baha'i heads must answer the following questions which are resulted in contradictions in behaviors and viewpoints of the Baha'i agents: Hasn't the universal house justice deviated the Baha'ism ...
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