
The United Kingdom and the expansion of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in Iran (stressing on Pahlavi era)

Ms. Mahboubeh Ismaeeli Abstract: One of the important discussions during the contemporary periods of time is Colonialism fighting against it. The European thinkers such as George Balandier have pointed out ...

The last proof of Ghadir Sermon to reject the false claimants stated by the holy prophet (P.H.)

By studying the holy prophet’s (P.H.) sermon and tradition in Ghadir Khom, we will figure out that not only he hasn’t pointed out the prophets sent down after Islam at ...

Ali Muhammad Shirazi- The Bab

He is the founder of Babism. He was Sheikh Kazem Rashti’s pupil. He claimed to be the Gate for Imam of the Time, Imamate, prophethood and divinity exploiting the thoughts ...


You must have come across sellers who praise their goods a lot. I don’t care if the praising affect us or not; but we trust the sellers when we do ...

What does Ahmad Rouhi say writing the book “The eight heavens”? Presenting a clear contradiction in the Babism and Baha’ism leaders’ claim and action

The deviant cults of Babism and Baha’ism which are the products of the thoughts of the employees of the impure British government for creating division and disunity among Muslims specially ...

How did Sheikism turned into Babism and Baha’ism?

All the followers of Sheik Ahmad Ehsaee are called Sheikism which is a generic name. Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee was born in 1166 A.H. in Bahrain (The Northeast of the Saudi ...

Why is the strategy of bigotry, violence and frightening following in Babism?!

The Baha’i heads have shamelessly called the Iranian scholars, officials and people who stood against violence and savagery of Babis as “ignorant”, bigoted and savage people” and considered the Iranian ...
king Naseruddin

A sample of king Naseruddin sensitivity and reaction against Babism and Baha’ism in the mid years of his kingdom

The newspaper of Naseruddin Shah’s memoirs 1284-1286 A.H. … Tuesday, 18th of Rabiul Awwal 1286 A.H. (nearly 147 years ago)… when we wanted to return home, A saw a tall ...

Bigotry, violence, and intimidation are the main strategies in dealing with the opponents in Babism

 Pretending to be oppressed is a strategy to attract people's attention done by various reasons like enticing a sense of compassion and a change in people's views. So, in order ...

Why do we consider Babism as ferocious?

After turning against Islam and claiming for bringing a new religion, the Babism leader has issued an order for massacring his opponents. However, Abdul Baha has assumed a religion which ...
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