Denis MacEoin

Dennis MacEion Focusing on the book “Branches and leadership claims in Babism”

Dennis MacEion is the researcher who turned against this organization after 15 years of being the member of the Baha’i community. He was born on Jan. 26, 1949 A.D. in ...

Baha’ism influenced by Sufism beliefs

A glance at Sufism works will reveal that Sufis believe that the inner affairs are done by them and the superficial ones are related to religious scholars. They are busy ...

The documentation of the organizational and proselytizing conviction of the Baha’ism members

When according to the law, the organizational and proselytizing activities of Baha’ism are included to be punished how is it possible for the conviction of the members of the organization ...

Encoding in Baha’ism

The superficial interpretation and attributing the secrets to the divine texts aiming deviating religions and proving itself are false for Bab and Baha and also for the Excellency Ma’ani Basically, ...

With over 110 years of activity there are only 300 Baha’is in Mumbai, India

History of the Baha'i faith in Bombay, India: The first Baha'is in Mumbai were members of the Afnan family, who had set up a business in the city. In 1872, ...

The Baha’i medium, Asoo is trying for cultural transformation aiming to achieve the promised government of Baha

The medium, Asoo, as the Baha’ism not to say words tongue is following the policies of the universal house of justice aiming to overthrow the Iranian system of government politically ...

Baha’ism is a cult which is fighting against wisdom

Roemer’s works are of the first main ones concerning the subjects of Babism and Baha’ism which have been published in Germany. In addition to historical studies, they consist of extensive ...

The sedition of poisoning the students and the Baha’ism surfing

poisoning some female students art schools by the interior hypocritical people and foreign enemies against the system of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran was a good excuse ...

The Zoroastrian view towards the emergence of Babism and Baha’ism based on what Baha’ism wants

We asked the Baha’is: Each prophet has testified and promised the previous one. Which of the divine prophet has promised the emergence of your self-proclaimed prophet. They answered back: Each ...

The investigation of the equality between men and women in Baha’ism

This cult is acting as follows to divide the inheritance ordered by Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri: If some people die without wills, their properties must be divided as follows: (Nasri, ...
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