
The religious commandment of Sunni muftis about Baha’ism – Part 2

In previous part, it was mentioned that the Sunni Scholars realized that Baha’ism is a forged and weak cult whose aim are to spy for tyrant Colonialists and to create ...

The history of Bab, from the beginning till the end (part Two)

Bab’s claim from the viewpoint of Abdul-Baha On pages 3 and 4 of the book “Personal Article of a Tourist” on Bab’s claim, he writes, “He began to speak and ...

Obliterating Baha’ism by Sunnis Part-1

Concerning confronting against Baha’ism by Sunni, the time for confronting against the deviant cult of Baha'ism must be divided into two periods of time: 1) The first days of the ...

The history of Bab, from the beginning till the end (part one)

The founder of Bab; Mirza Ali Mohammad Shirazi 1235-1266 AH Birth Bab At first, we deal with the birth and childhood of the person who claimed Babism known as Bab. ...
Khashayar Nabili

An interview with Khashayar Nabili, a new convert to Islam (part one)

Although Baha’ism seeks to attract and retain members by pretending and creating special hobbies, those who combine reason and thinking with their innate inclinations find the existing sectarian contradictions in ...

The consequence of acting the commandments of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Cruelty to women and girls, frustration, depression, crisis in life The Baha'i girl residing in Zahedan city who was claiming for women's right during the riots in autumn 1401 S.H. ...

Hussein Ali Baha: Be deaf and blind

Contrary to the holy Quran rudiments, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri not only doesn't order his followers to think about his works and words, but also ask them imperiously to close ...

What is the Position of the Guardian of the Baha’i Faith?

In his Will and Testament on page 11, `Abdu’l-Bahá says: “…as he is the sign of God, the chosen branch, the Guardian of the Faith, he unto whom all the Aghsán, the ...

The position of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in the foreign policy of America and the universal Zionism

Bahaism is a political organization whose organizational structure was formed earlier 20th century in the united states. The expansion of the Baha'is influence and authority during Pahlavi periods of time ...
‘s grave]

Is Báb’s Grave Located in Haifa Israel?

Baha’is believe that the grave of `Ali Muhammad Shirazi, known as The Báb, is located in the city of Haifa in Israel near the Carmel mount area; they call this ...
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