
The bond between Baha’ism and Zionism

Al-Etthad newspaper printed by Abu Dhabi writes about the relationships between Baha’ism and Zionism an article entitled “the shadow of Zionism on Baha’ism”: After Baha’s death in 1892 A.D., a ...

Baha’ism is going to establish a government under the cover of religion: Ismaeeli

The author of the book “the political organization of Baha’ism” social: The political organization of Baha’ism possesses a political ideology which is gathering sources and behaviors in their members under ...

When Baha’ism joins the sedition contrary to its leaders’ commandments

The Baha’i medium which calls on people against the government by the name of freedom and with the excuse of Mahsa Amini’s death; although the forged prophet of Baha’ism has ...

The Baha’ism plots against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the common plan between the universal house of justice and Mossad

Hujjatul Islam Amir Hussein Kamel Nawwab, one of the activists and researchers in the fields of cults and deviant religion said: The year 1401 was a special one for Baha’ism ...

The insulting comparison of the Baha’is with the issue of Mahsa Amini

 One of the pages of the Baha’ism organization issued a poster and compared Mahsa Amini and Tahireh Qorratul Ein Babi. It considered opposing cover as the common point of both ...

Women don’t possess any position in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Mahshid Ziaee, the ex-Baha’i said: There are many slogans in the Baha’ism cult but they aren’t acted. Contrary to the slogans, people have to act the rules of the Baha’ism ...

The Baha’is presence in sedition

After 1388 S.H. sedition, investigating the sedition and the present groups in it heightened. One of the debates of those days was the influential presence of the Baha’ism organization in ...

The Baha’is illusion and the disturbance sedition and attacking to people properties

The Baha’is are thinking of overthrowing. Although they are dying generation by generation dreaming of it. However, what the western world is following since its establishment, confirmation and expansion of ...
Abdul Qader Homayoun

Baha’ism, what was before and what is now?

An interview with Hujjatul Islam Abdul Qader Homayoun To begin, explain about your occupational and educational background? In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. I am a simple ...
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Hypocrisy in the Baha’i media

In one side, the Baha’i organization is speaking about peace, friendship and the oneness of humane world and on other side it is spreading hypocritical messages. They are speaking about ...
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