
History of the Formation of Baha’ism (Part One)

Shi’a Muslims believe 12 Imams (leaders) after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) whom the last one, is Imam Mahdi (pbuh) the son of Imam Askari (pbuh). Imam Mahdi had a minor occultation. In ...
Frederick Glaysher

Critics by very Important Former Bahá’i: Frederick Glaysher

Contrary to oneness of mankind and similar to every other group, Baha’i’s have many critics too, though they are most likely to be overshadowed. No person can talk better about ...

Baha’is Absolute Obedience

Throughout history, some rules have always been applicable and followed and some others have not been welcomed by liberal countries. Tom R. Tyler, a renowned psychologist, believes that effectiveness of ...

Abdu’l-Baha Is Not Qualified To Lead The Baha’is

Ibrahim George Kheirollah and Abdu’l-Baha Ibrahim George Kheirollah (November 11, 1849 – March 6, 1926) was the first Baha’i teacher sent to the United States who made the first Americans to convert ...

Another robbery after a great one

A critique on the justification of two different emergences and religious laws in a short distance Claiming by Mirza Ali Mohammad Shirazi as the new prophet of the present age ...

The Supreme clergyman from Yemen: Baha’ism is militant infidel

The site of the Baha’i organization office in the United Nations (BIC) described Shamsuddin Sharaf Al-Dinn's disclosure against Baha ism as slaughterous sermon angrily and introduce the supreme orator from ...

The strict position of Al-Azhar, Egypt concerning the deviant cult of Baha’ism

After some Baha is held a ceremony openly to celebrate their religious one on March 21, 2009 A.D. in a village in the South of Egypt, their houses were attacked ...

The evangelic Christianity and Baha’ism, two Zionistic Satanic cults

Baha'ism, Intellectually, reality and Straight path can't have more ways but just one; although it is worthy to discuss which path is true. Theologically, the path which has become distinct ...

The bloody and brutal crime of the deviant cult Baha’ism in Abarkouh, Yazd

By: Hujjatul Islam Sajjad Jamshidi "The painful incident of "Abarkou" is the most obvious example of the hypocrisy of the Baha'i organization preserved in history." Turning to violence to continue ...

The deviant cult of Baha’ism’s aim in introducing “Buddha” and “Zoroaster” as divine prophets

One of the questions and ambiguities that has always made the minds of countless audiences busy is the existence of a prophet from God for other tribes and nations. Those ...
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