
The scholars’ campaigns against the influence of Baha’ism

By: Najafi Imam Khomeini (P.H.) positions: He was completely aware of the Baha’ism influence in various parts of the country, specially during Reza Khan’s period of time. After the departure ...

Story of a Baha’i who converted to Islam

Copy-pasting a comment I found under this video I used to be a Baha’i from aged 13-28 and learned more about it after I reverted to Islam than when ...

The meaningful silence of the Baha’ism organization concerning wildfire in building construction in Acre

Less than 6 months have been passed since the building construction on Abdul Baha’s grave was fired. However, the Baha’ism organization has not announced the details of the event. The ...

Nine or Nineteen Members on the Universal House of Justice? A debate in the Baha’i Faith

When someone joins a religion, it will always be riddled with uncertainty for him or her rather than filled with faith. Even if one was born into the faith or ...

Why has Baha’ism prioritized proselytizing kids for proselytizers?

According to the narrations by the holy Imams (peace be upon them), kids have the high capacity to accept and receiving influence. In this regard, Imam Hassan Mojtaba (P.H.) has ...

Reza Pahlavi and the future of the Baha’is

Reza Pahlavi considered confronting against the criminal and organizational Baha’is in the country as violating the Baha’is rights and spoke about their roles in the future of Iran. Of course, ...

The aggressive proselytizing of the Baha’is with the excuse of educating kids

By: Hussein Eshqi Baha’ism consider education as a public and compulsory issue. All kids whether the poor and the rich, girl and boys must learn the basic rudiments of sciences ...

The leadership of the Baha’ism organization by Mason Remey –Yes or No?

Nearly 3 years after the first guardian of the Baha’ism faith death in 1957 A.D. and in 1960 A.D., Mason Remey from the national convention of America published a manifest ...

Kids, the main addressees of proselytizers and Baha’ism proselytizing

Not long ago, it was reported about the Baha’ism attempt in expanding the influence of the cult by creating untraceable nursery schools without having permit in Iran. Of course, after ...

Bahaullah’s unachievable illusion of peace and Baha’ism universality

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has considered the universality of his creed and establishing general peace as to be fulfilled after the world wars and apostasy! However, because Baha’ism has ...
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