
The deviant cult of Baha’ism or the terroristic net

From assassinating Nasereuddin Shah Gajar (1230 S.H.) to the martyrdom of Ruhullah Ajamiyan (1401 S.H.) The deviant cult of Baha'ism is the twin brother of international Zionistic terrorism Even contrary ...

Iran with two centuries of Baha’i challenge

When we analyze the sociological analysis of Babi and Baha'i creeds in Iranian society, we find the last two centuries full of challenges and declare the oppression of our people. ...

Proving the invalidity of the Universal House of Justice (the universal house of tyranny) of the Baha’is

Hossein Ali Nouri (Baha): "If the Baha'is become two cults and each builds a house of justice and opposes the other, both are invalid."  Since 2008, the membership in the ...

Hojabr Yazdani: The main puzzle of the economic mafia of Baha’ism in the second Pahlavi period of time

Among the secret movements of the Iranian contemporary history which expanded and developed in Iran, Baha’ism became successful to gain political and economic powers and influence. In the process of ...
۱۵ khordad

The role of the Baha’i cult in the massacre of Iranian people on solar month of Khordad 15, 1342

Based on the available evidence and documents, the deviant cult of Baha'ism played an effective role in suppressing the protesters and killing the people of Iran in the days ending ...
seyyed Imami-en

The function of the deviant cult of Baha’ism after the Islamic revolution for the Zionistic regime in an interview with Dr. Ismaili

The specialty of the Baha'is for Israel was "soft struggle"/ Influence in the field of environment and climate issues was one of the most important programs of the Baha'is After ...

On the pretext of executing Baha’is in Iran – are terrorist acts equal to execution?

The false Baha'i sect is related to the international terrorism of Zionism It has been a while since the deviant cult of Baha'ism has launched a campaign in memory of ...
european parliament

Misusing the European Parliament by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

"Rachel Bayani", the representative of the Baha'i community in the European Union, and "Dian Alaei", the representative of the Baha'i community in the United Nations, claimed on 10th of Isfand ...

The creeping and deceptive movement of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Baha'is are going to choose a friend for "Bahá'u'lláh" in a creeping movement and say with deceptive interpretations: "Jews wrote many books in rejection of Jesus Christ and Christians wrote ...
بهائیت در ایران

صدای بهائیت از تریبون گزارشگران سازمان ملل

گزارشگران ویژه سازمان ملل از جمله «نازیلا قانع» گزارشگر بهائی آن در أمور آزادی مذهب یا عقیده، ۲۵ فروردین در بیانیه‌ای مطبوعاتی، به اجرای قوانین حجاب در ایران اعتراض کردند. ...
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