
The destruction of illegal constructions of Roshankouh isn’t related to a special cult or tendency

During the recent days, the fulfillment of the verdict of destructing the illegal constructions in one of the northern regions of the country has reflected in foreign media too much. ...

The anti-human right behavior of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in confrontation with the ex-Baha’is

Mrs. Mahshid Ziaee who is of these who has turned against Baha’ism wrote for the media and asked for revealing the behavior of the deviant cult of Baha’ism with her ...
Padideh Sabeti-2

Mrs. Padideh Sabeti, the project of pretending to be oppressed is not influential anymore

Padideh Sabeti claimed for the current detentions of the members of Baha’ism organization to be done to frighten the Baha’is and to perk them as guilty for the problems of ...

Why has Baha’ism prioritized proselytizing kids for proselytizers?

According to the narrations by the holy Imams (peace be upon them), kids have the high capacity to accept and receiving influence. In this regard, Imam Hassan Mojtaba (P.H.) has ...

Reza Pahlavi and the future of the Baha’is

Reza Pahlavi considered confronting against the criminal and organizational Baha’is in the country as violating the Baha’is rights and spoke about their roles in the future of Iran. Of course, ...

The cyberspace, the turf for Baha’ism proselytizing against the kids

The proselytizing investment on kids has been consistently one of the important aims of Baha’ism cult. For this reason, the Baha’ism organization is trying by spending lots of money to ...

The independent investigation of truth and brainwashing of the kids by the Baha’i proselytizers is an undeniable contradiction

The previous days, the Baha’ism organization published news about the sectarian proselytizers’ detentions and also the members of its illegal and secret organization in Iran. In some of these news, ...

Why didn’t Remey introduce himself immediately after Shoqi’s death?

one of the vagueness of Baha’ism history was, is and will be the issue of the guardianship in the universal house of justice organization. As long as the Baha’ism organization ...

Baha’ism: Trying to change the life style-part 1

By: Somayyeh Najafi Baha'ism cult is one of the cults made by the Zionistic spying organization which is having a duty to campaign culture, religion and ethical values. This issue ...

The first article of the Baha’i regulations

Contrary to divine religions in Baha’ism organization, a person isn’t called a Baha’i when he confesses and announces to be a Baha’i, but he must be filtered by the Baha’i ...
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