
The guardian

"In this Dispensation, divine guidance flows on to us in this world after the Prophet’s ascension, through first the Master, and then the Guardians." While the Guardianship was to be ...

Presenting the peace manifesto of the universal house of justice to America

The Baha’ism organization transmitted the news of delivering its peace leaflet to the president of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan delightedly and announced supporting the Baha’is by him! ...

Are people’s desires the same as Baha’ism? Criticizing 1402 message of the universal house of justice

In its Nowruz message of the universal house of justice, the UHJ has claimed for the people of the world, desires to be close to Baha’ism teachings! However, have the ...

The investigation of the reasons for the Zoroastrians’ tendencies to Baha’ism during 18th century A.D.

By: Mahdi Honarjou Abstract With the emergence of Baha’ism and the proselytizing done by the disciples of Bahaullah, the followers of other religions tended towards this creed. Among people who ...
Denis MacEoin

Dennis MacEion Focusing on the book “Branches and leadership claims in Babism”

Dennis MacEion is the researcher who turned against this organization after 15 years of being the member of the Baha’i community. He was born on Jan. 26, 1949 A.D. in ...

Baha’ism influenced by Sufism beliefs

A glance at Sufism works will reveal that Sufis believe that the inner affairs are done by them and the superficial ones are related to religious scholars. They are busy ...

The documentation of the organizational and proselytizing conviction of the Baha’ism members

When according to the law, the organizational and proselytizing activities of Baha’ism are included to be punished how is it possible for the conviction of the members of the organization ...

A list of some censored books on the Baha’i Faith

Here's a list of some censored books on the Baha'i Faith. These books were all suppressed by the Baha'i authorities, and in some cases, the authors were killed. It would ...

Now Ruhi Book-1 is even more tolerant!

Here are two quotes in Ruhi Book One which were removed in the latest revised, updated edition: - "Whoso hath failed to recognize Him will have condemned himself to the ...

Encoding in Baha’ism

The superficial interpretation and attributing the secrets to the divine texts aiming deviating religions and proving itself are false for Bab and Baha and also for the Excellency Ma’ani Basically, ...
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