
Baha’ism and helping the quake-stricken people of Turkey!!!

In its report from Turkey, the Baha’ism organization first appointed its priority to helping the quake-stricken Baha’i people and revealed its selfish figure for all once again. Without paying attention ...

Parviz Sabeti, SAVAK executioner among the opponents of the Islamic Republic of Iran

It is surprising that the Baha’i heads think their treacherous treatments have been forgotten with the passage of time after 44 years after the Islamic Revolution. They believe people have ...

Three ways for Shoghi Effendi’s followers to interpret Shoghi Effendi’s unexpected death

Even though Shoghi Effendi appointed no successor, a successor must be found, because even if it is not clear who the legitimate successor is, it is more important for the ...

“I agree entirely as regards the uselessness of Ruhi.” Sen McGlinn

I agree entirely as regards the uselessness of Ruhi. It has been a colossal disaster for the Baha’i community. As regards the year 2000 "prophecy," it was a misunderstanding, widely ...
Abdul Baha2

A number of people are leaving the Baha’i faith because of the bad policies of the UHJ

I have been a Baha'i for nearly 25 years. I've been actively involved during this time with various committees at local and national levels. I am still a Baha'i but ...

The Baha’i fixed and itinerant proselytizers

The Baha’ism organization rejects the existence of religious authority and spiritual people off all walks of life in its cult. However, investigating the Baha’ism texts reveals that this cult possesses ...

Another terrible Tablet of Baha’u’llah that Baha’is are ashamed to translate and distribute

Another terrible Tablet of Baha'u'llah I wish to nominate is the Lawh-i Istintáq, also known as the Tablet of Inquisition. The reasons are more serious and macabre than for other ...

An Iranian Baha’i who had 80 government jobs!

Abdol Karim Ayadi, who was the son of one of the famous Baha'i families in Iran, was a doctor in the army, and he first visited the court of the Shah ...

A ‘capable and devoted’ Baha’i, Husayn Ruhi, was also a ‘capable and devoted’ British agent!

He appears as a bit character in generally British-focused narratives of the Revolt, and intelligence during the First World War. T. E. Lawrence briefly refers to Ruhi as “more like ...

Why doesn’t Baha’ism drug cure the world pains?

Mary Maxwell, the guardian of the Baha’ism faith’s wife posed the following question in the article introduction: Why isn’t Baha’ism welcomed while it is the drug for the world pains?! ...
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