
Concerning the transferring of Abdul Baha’s dead body to Acre

In one side, the Baha’ism organization calls its followers to confront against the Islamic Republic with the excuse of transferring dead bodies in Baha’ism and in the other side, it ...

Is criticizing Baha’ism equal to violating human rights of the Baha’is?

Confronting criticisms of false thoughts of Baha’ism, the Baha’i criticism equal to disrespect and state their beliefs must be respected! While respecting false and destructive beliefs of Baha’ism can provide ...

Justifying Ali Muhammad’s repentance using forged traditions

One of the justifications of the Baha’is for the repentance of this claimant of Mahdism is resorting to Gharaniq fable. According to the fable mentioned in Sunni resources, the Excellency ...

Behind the Facade: Cult-like Tendencies in the Baha’i Faith

One of the reasons I decided to become a member of the Baha'i Faith organization was that I wanted to participate in Feast, the Baha'i worship service and community business ...

Narges Muhammadi and changing the accusation of the Baha’is

Although the Baha’ism organization has planned against Islam and the Islamic Revolution contrary to the condition of the Constitution and proceeds the policies against Islam and overthrowing the Iranian Islamic ...

Basically, the human rights don’t have any position in the beliefs of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

An answer to the current report of Ahmad Shahid Recently; Ahmad Shahid, the so-called reporter of the United Nations Organization points out in his report to the human rights commission ...

The Baha’is and claiming for peacemaking

Experience and social-historical investigation have shown that those religious cults which were focused on new era thoughts and the issues related to social relationships and programs have been welcomed more. ...

Baha’ism in the northeast of Iran the introduction of the book Baha’ism in Azerbaijan

"Whenever, the aliens want to deceive the Iranian people, they are making religion. One of tricks of Colonialism to expand its Colonial plans is to aim the nations’ cultures and ...

The economy of the country during Pahlavi period of time

Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Baha'ism was strengthened by financial and spiritual supports of various countries such as England, the czar Russia and the Zionistic regime in order ...

A glance atgthe principle of the equality of the rights between men and women in Baha’ism

Concerning the issue of the equality between men and women rights, the Baha'ism eaplain: "Like men, women possess the talent for gaining sciences and progress in knowledge and art. If ...
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