Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

      During the first centuries of the second millennium A.D., the theological Christianity was born with interpretations of the old Testament like Kabala, Mishna and Halakha and has influenced on ...
Bahaism appearance in satellite networks
بهائیت در ایران:

Bahaism appearance in satellite networks

      The Baha’is consider it important to proselytize and recruit; so that every year, they spend millions of dollars for it. The universal house of justice in Haifa spends millions ...
Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

The emergence of the deviant cult of Bahaism and supporting it by the crafty governments of England and the usurp regime of Zionism are of the instances of anti- Islamic ...
The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults

Understanding the components of mind control in the cults Part 4: The Control of awareness by the cults

      The last component of mind control is the control of members’ awareness and data. Steven Hassan says: Control of data is the last component of mind control. ...
زوال فرهنگ؛ پروژه سازمان‌یافته بهائی

The culture decline; the organized project of Baha’ism

      Influence means affecting and according to political governmental view it can be defined as influencing and changing decision making and being effective on national interests; so that at the ...
cg-473 copy

Bahaism, the violator of women’s rights

      The sexual gaps between men and women is a problem originated from long time ago. Nearly since the period of forming agriculture life and onset of a succession of ...
The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults-part 3

The understanding of the components of mind control in the cults – part 3

     ...One of the other function of the cults which is considered as the third components of mind control is controlling emotions. The cults try to dominate on person's ...
The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults

The understanding of the components of mind control in the cults – part 2

      The second component of control in cults is thought control. The important note is that how can the cult make the member observe and analyze the world as the ...
The accompaniment of the Baha’is with the Zionists in each crime!

The accompaniment of the Baha’is with the Zionists in each crime!

      We know that the Bahaism party has been made by England like the Zionists. So, Directed by the British, Abdul Baha is so-called predicting that: "Here is Palestine, the ...
The tempting recruiting of the Bahaism organization

The tempting recruiting of the Bahaism organization- Part 2

      Alongside with sophistication tricks, making doubt and financial promises for more attractiveness, the Bahaism organization uses non - homogenous recruiting. Jahangiri says in this regard: “… The sedition scope ...
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