
Abdul Baha and the adventure of the Excellency Adam and Eve dismissal

Contrary to the clear texts of the divine books, logical principles and even the slogan of Baha’ism creed concerning the prohibition of interpretation, the Excellency Abdul Baha has rejected the ...

One of the things that made me start questioning the infallibility of Abdul Baha

Several years ago I made the mistake of attending a Cluster Reflection Gathering. The meeting was something like 5 hours and consisted boring discussions about the institute process, and they ...

Abdul Baha having good time with American Women

Abdul Baha having good time with American Women

The Baha’is of Iran have been silent for Acre wildfire (burning grave of Abdul Baha)

Concerning wildfire in Acre, the Baha’ism leaders have considered this even as unintentional! The extremist Zionists don’t let other cults to build temples except for the Zionistic ones. So, the ...

Is Abdul Baha respectful among the people of Palestine?

The Excellency Hussein Amanat has claimed for this issue that Abdul Baha is being respected by the people of Palestine because he has been unprejudiced and has had equal behaviors ...
abdul baha-Bahaiat

Why does Baha’ism organization plan to transfer the reminders of Abdul Baha’s dead body to Acre?

The Baha’ism organization has declared that the reason for transferring the reminders of Abdul Baha’s dead body to Acre city and building a new resting place for him in this ...

God loves Abdul Baha?!!!

abdul baha-Bahaiat

Why does Baha’ism follow the project of constructing Abdul Baha’s resting place?

Contrary to its slogan of philanthropy, the Baha’ism has practically shown that not only it doesn’t assign its rostrum in the United Nations to defend non-Baha’is, but also it doesn’t ...

Concerning the transferring of Abdul Baha’s dead body to Acre

In one side, the Baha’ism organization calls its followers to confront against the Islamic Republic with the excuse of transferring dead bodies in Baha’ism and in the other side, it ...

The media silence about Abbas Effendi’s (Abdul Baha) grave which was made fire

It is reported that three days have been passed since one hundred million dollars grave of Abdul Baha has been caught fire, but all western media haven’t reported and mentioned ...
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