Nahid Vahdat Sho’ar

An interview with a truth-seeking lady from the Baha’i faith, Mrs. Nahid Vahdat Sho’ar

Mrs. Nahid Vahdat Sho’ar is a truth seeker who reached the truth through continuous research. Despite the deep differences, even the obvious contradiction, between what she had found and what ...
‘s grave]

Is Báb’s Grave Located in Haifa Israel?

Baha’is believe that the grave of `Ali Muhammad Shirazi, known as The Báb, is located in the city of Haifa in Israel near the Carmel mount area; they call this ...

History of the Formation of Baha’ism (Part One)

Shi’a Muslims believe 12 Imams (leaders) after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) whom the last one, is Imam Mahdi (pbuh) the son of Imam Askari (pbuh). Imam Mahdi had a minor occultation. In ...
Frederick Glaysher

Critics by very Important Former Bahá’i: Frederick Glaysher

Contrary to oneness of mankind and similar to every other group, Baha’i’s have many critics too, though they are most likely to be overshadowed. No person can talk better about ...

Another robbery after a great one

A critique on the justification of two different emergences and religious laws in a short distance Claiming by Mirza Ali Mohammad Shirazi as the new prophet of the present age ...

The deviant cult of Baha’ism’s aim in introducing “Buddha” and “Zoroaster” as divine prophets

One of the questions and ambiguities that has always made the minds of countless audiences busy is the existence of a prophet from God for other tribes and nations. Those ...

The inherent strategy of the deviant cult of Baha’ism since the beginning of its establishment until today

Hossein Ali Nouri (Baha’u’llah) has ordered that Baha'is should not be ashamed of abjectness: "O’ Brothers, be tolerant with one another and don’t be dependent on the world, don’t be ...

“In this Dispensation, divine guidance flows on to us in this world after the Prophet’s ascension, through first the Master, and then the Guardians.”!!!

While the Guardianship was to be a perpetual institution of the Administrative Order, it ceased to exist after the death of Shoghi Effendi because he died having violated Bahá'u'lláh's command ...

Branching in the political organization or the creed of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Hossein Ali Nouri: "If the Baha'is are divided into two cults and each builds a house of justice and opposes the other, both are invalid." In its reality, Baha'ism has ...

The guardian

"In this Dispensation, divine guidance flows on to us in this world after the Prophet’s ascension, through first the Master, and then the Guardians." While the Guardianship was to be ...
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