
Freemasonry, Bahaism and the hidden Jewish; the influence bases of Zionism in Iran

      The secret strategy of the Zionists in Iran is of the secrets of the contemporary history of Iran. In this regard, the confession of one the spies of the ...

How does the Bahaism organization, confront its opponents and critics

      Violence and confronting against the opponents can be observed in most destructive and terroristic cults. The violence can be observed both in confronting the members inside the cult who ...

The secret and self-interested policy of Bahaism in political affairs of countries and elections

      Bahaism looks upon the policy discussion as a tactic and will enter it if it favors and won't enter if it harms.       Co-existence and interaction with the followers ...

How does the Bahaism organization hurt the family base?

      One of the important factors of Bahaism as destructive is hurting family. Michael Di Langon says defining cult: "Cult is a group which is advocating a person, idea or ...

Bahaism’s pointing out planning restlessness in Iran

The program: “Grown on stone”       The Baha’i Persian medium service persianbahaimedia started casting a program called “grown on stone” since Khordad,7.       The purpose of this program is intriguing ...

Hojjatul Islam Falsafi and Bahaism

      Hajjatul Islam Muhammad Taqi Falsafi, the famous preacher was born 1286 S.H. in Tehran city. He went to Tofigh school when he was 6 and learned syntax and the ...

Bahaism, Incompatibility with the principles of the divine religions – The falseness – of the new prophethood

      In order to provide facilities for accepting Hussein Ali Mirza’s-(Baha) prophethood, the Baha'is try to include Ali Muhammad Bab as the prophet of God who has been sent for ...

Fighting against wisdom and escaping from science in Bahaism

      Bahaism considers itself as a remarkably developed religion and the universal one. It is claiming for being in conformity with wisdom.       According to Abbas Effendi (Abdul Baha): “If ...

The role of Bahaism in fighting against Muslim women and girls’ veils

Seyyed Hamid Rohani, the historian of the Islamic Revolution expressed concerning veiling and the function of Reza Khan: Reza Khan didn't possess authority and he also didn't possess intellectual independence ...

Bigotry and superstitions in Bahaism

      One of the characteristics of Bahaism is the severe bigotry and mixing its teachings with superstitions. Sobhi, as the special secretary of Abdul Baha has closely observed the Baha’i ...
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