
Dispersing slime by the Baha’i Erfan Sabeti

      The Baha’i theorist, Erfan Sabeti considered Shia jurisprudence to be full of violence and assumed narrating Islam by the Islamic Republic as violence, too and likened Shia jurisprudence as ...

To whom belongs the Corresponding Services of freemasonry and Bahaism?

      The presence of some Babis in secret assemblies along with famous freemasonries and the memberships of some of them in masonry's hall of Melkom awakening lodge during Qajar dynasty ...

not vulgar chastity and cover is not compatible with the lifestyle of Bahaism

A summary of the ex-Baha'i, Zeinab Thomali's speech       Zeinab Roz Thomali is the daughter of Mrs. Ahdiyeh Muhammad Husseini and also Dr. Nosratullah Muhammad Husseini's niece - the Known ...

The introduction of the book: The analysis and Criticism of Baha’ism by Ali Reza Rouzbahani

      Ali Reza Rouzbahani is investigating the problem of Baha'im and its position in the hostile policy of the Zionistic regime in the book “the analysis and criticism of Bahaism" ...

The development of Baha’ism and the modern Colonialism (America)

      Baha'ism has bonded with Colonialism movement in modern forms and ancient ones. History indicates that the foundation and forming this cult have been on the basis of cultural poverty ...

Defending a colonial party isn’t an important action. It will be resolving difficulties

      On the occasion of the 29th death anniversary of Mahdi Bazargan, a group of the members and fans of the illegal organization of the so-called “Iranian freedom movement” traveled ...

The historical confession by a Zionist Jewish person

The leadership foundation of Baha'ism issued a statement dated October 30, 2017 A.D. and rejected each kind of attribution of Baha'i news medium to Baha'ism. However, the reason may be ...

The report of human rights organization stated by a Baha’i!

      Nazila Qane', the special reporter of human rights organization and the member the deviant cult of Bahaism defined religion, measures and deeds of the faithful and their reactions towards ...

The aims of the radio and television of the deviant cult of Bahaism

The radio and television programs of the deviant cult of Bahaism including reports, interviews and dialogues are performed with researchers and thinkers of the Baha’i community and different people more ...

Amnesty International’s report narrated by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

      The members of the Baha’ism organization have decided to penetrate into the international organizations based on the plans of the universal house of justice. They enter into the international ...
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