
The dominating of honor over wickedness

The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran: The Zionists didn't achieve their goals / Today honor dominated over wickedness The Iranian president pointed out that the Zionists at first ...

Abdul Hamid and the Baha’i Sabeti’s discredit concerning Israel’s crimes

Abdul Hamid, the leader of group prayer of Maki mosque, Zahedan prefers to be silent against the crimes of Israel like the Baha’i experts the Baha’i Erfan Sabeti. He is ...

Praising the deviant cult of Baha’ism by the Herald analytical news website

The Herald analytical news website belongs the country Zimbabwe has recently published an article concerning the benefits of the educational system belonged to the deviant cult of Baha'ism.      The ...

Helping the usurp and kid-Killing Zionistic regime by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

One of the most important chapters in the political report card of Baha'ism is the intimate relationships and cooperation between the heads of this cult and the Zionists.       A ...

The divine promise of Baha’ism and the Zionistic regime’s Crimes

Once again, the satanic face of the Zionistic usurp regime became obvious by committing crimes and genocide in Al-Ma'madani hospital and one of the most tragic and dreadful events happened. ...

The oneness of humane world in Baha’ism = The massacre of sinless and unprotected women and Kids

Among the twelve principles of Baha'ism which are considered as their most important social order, one of the most famous is the oneness of humane world. Not only this teaching ...

The anti-humanist media justification of the Baha’i cult about Zionist criminals

The inhabitants of the Gaza Strip are in the crosshairs of the warplanes and artillery of the occupying Zionists. While the allies of this criminal regime have not stopped equipping ...

Declaration of supporting the Palestinian resistance by the “Islamic Resistance Movement of Hosseiniun Azerbaijan”

Baha’i Network of Azerbaijan plays an exceptional and important role in providing the majority of the necessary fuel for the Zionist regime to bombard and kill the Palestinian people "Hosseiniun ...

Is the forged Zionistic chain between Israel and Baha’ism breaking off?

These days, the government of the оссuруing regime is in a bad condition and the news about collapsing the Zionistic regime is being heard by even the Zionists. By surprising ...
Shoqi Effendi2

Shoghi Effendi

Shoghi Effendi entitled Shoghi Rabbani (1314 – 1377 A.H. / 1336 S.H.) was the oldest son of `Abdu’l-Bahá’s daughter. In `Abdu’l-Bahá’s Will and Testament, Shoghi Rabbani was appointed as `Abdu’l-Bahá’s ...
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